Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Brief About Works Programme
1. All expenditures of Railways in the following year (say April 2010 to March 2011) are estimated and consolidated in the  form of Annual Budget during February (in this case Feb’  2010) itself.
2. The complete Budget (Demands for Grants) will be presented to the Lok sabha and the Rajya sabha for voting.
1. The Grants as voted by Parliament are distributed by Rly Board among the Railway administrations. This is called  “Budget Grant”
2. For the preparation of the Budget by Rly Board, Rly administrations are required to submit their requirements for the following year during December itself.
3. The estimates of expenditure on Works, Machinery & Rolling stock, to be incurred during the following year are to be submitted to Rly Board.
4. In respect of New works, it is submitted in the form of Preliminary Works Programme (PWP).
 Procedure for Works Programme proposals
1. User who needs the infrastructure facility should identify the ideal location and indicate the facilities in a neat sketch.
2. Where Open Line Yard is involved, the proposed facility  should form part of the Master Plan for the Yard.
3. Obtain estimated cost for civil, electrical and S&T portion of works from the concerned branches.
4. For Mechanical portion of work (mainly M&Ps), obtain latest Budgetary offers from reputed firms / OEMs. Points to be taken care on arriving the M&P cost are given separately.
5. After framing the proposal, it should be vetted by Associate Finance.
6. Finance observations are to be attended before proceeding further.
7. Approval of DRM’s / CWM’s to be obtained.
8. After approval, the proposal has to be forwarded to Planning wing of HQ Mechanical department within the specified time frame (Standard Calendar - given separately).
9. Individual proposals received from different streams i.e. Carriage and Wagon, Workshop and Diesel sheds are compiled and put up to respective HODs for approval and to indicate priority.
10. The combined list of proposal with HODs’ priority will be discussed with CME and proposals are finalized.
11. The finalized proposals formulated with cost estimate are sent to CPDE for compilation as a booklet for discussion in the Preliminary meeting conducted by GM.
12. Meanwhile, Board indicates ceiling limit for each Plan Head and advises to the Railways to frame PWP proposals.
13. GM will conduct a PWP meeting with all PHODs and DRMs to finalize the list of proposals within ceiling limit.
14. The agreed proposals are then sent to FA&CAO for concurrence.
15. The concurred proposals are then submitted to Board with the approval of GM.
1. while initiating proposals the following guidelines
should be kept in mind
Advancement in Machine Tool technology.
Possibility of acquiring one/two machines to replace a large set. -
Multipurpose / special purpose machine to replace a group of machines
for manufacture of a single product.
The current and future workload – Define load centres adequately.
Draw a blueprint of demand verses availability to identify deficiencies /
grey area.
2.The Following are the areas where inputs may be
Material handling facilities, like mechanized handling of heavy items.
Cleaning equipments for sub-assembly like Bogie, Wheel sets, Traction
Motor, Roller Bearing and Axle Boxes. For these, savings in Manpower
that will accrue may be indicated.
Flaw detectors and hotbox detectors for maintaining higher safety
Adequacy of wheel lathes based on load arising.
M&P more than 20 years old should be critically examined and
proposed for replacement if sufficient load exists.
However it may be noted that completion of codal life is not ipso-facto,
sufficient ground for replacement of a machine. Its condition and cost of
repair should form the basis of its replacement. The justification should
indicate the jobs undertaken and the workload on the machine. The total
number of similar machine in the load centre and shortfall of capacity
should be clearly indicated.
The estimated cost of the machines indicated in the proposals should be
present day cost and should include essential accessories. The cost can
be taken from latest COFMOW compendium and costs for other machines
by market survey.
Investment in M&P is to be thoughtfully made as the cost has escalated
exorbitantly and one to one replacement is not at all desirable.
For items costing more than Rs. 1 crore Railway Board prior approvals is
to be taken.
All the items proposed on Additional account should be accompanied with
financial justification by DCF technique working out the Rate of Return
duly vetted by Associate finance.
On Successful commissioning of a new asset, it is included in the Asset
Register of M&P by allotting an Unified Code Number.
This is a Nine Digit Number:
The first two digits identify the units – LW/PER, MAS DIV etc.
The next two digits indicate Sub Location – CR (shop) AJJ (Division) etc.
The next two digits indicate the Machine group – Like Wheel Lathe, AJTB
Lathe, Crane etc.
The next three digits give the individual machine number.
It should be ensured by the units that no machine is kept in service
without Unified Code No and the same should be painted on the machine
for easy identification. Similarly when the machines is condemned and
disposed off, this machine is removed from the Asset register.
Condemnation of M&P is done on two accounts.
1) When the machine is replaced and the new asset is acquired, the old
machine for which replacement has been sanctioned has to be condemned
and disposed off.
2) A machine can also be condemned on age and condition basis. For this a
review has to be done by the HOD of the Workshop under whose
jurisdiction the machine falls.
3) Disposal can be on ‘ AS IS WHERE IS’ condition or as ‘SCRAP’,
depending on the value it will fetch.
4) If sufficient justification for retention is available Railway Board’s
approval has to be obtained for the same. But it is seen that only in rare
cases and for a temporary period such approvals are accorded.
5) No replaced machine should be kept in service.
6) Machines within codal life cannot be condemned by these methods.
7) Once the condemnation is approved by CA, it should be disposed off
immediately under DS8 and the credit obtained should be advised to this
This office assists in Unit level offices in getting the machines repaired by
interacting with the firm, the procurement agency and the consignees.
Wherever necessary CA’s sanction is obtained for expenditure on repairs.
A machine becomes surplus due to:
1. Closure / change in activity
2. Reduction in workload.
The Surplus machines are identified at regular intervals and offered to
other Railways/ Production units. Such machines are transferred to them if
demand exists.
Similarly the list of surplus machines offered by other Railways / Production
Units is scrutinised and if found suitable to our requirement, action is taken
to transfer such machines to this Railway.
As soon as the year’s Machinery and Plant sanctioned is advised by Board
COFMOW will send a list of Machinery and Plant which would be procured
by COFMOW, duly conveying the dispensation to procure other low valued
items through COS/PER. Accordingly vetted indents in the COFMOW
format would be forwarded to COFMOW for processing the procurement.
COFMOW would consolidate the requirements of all the Railways and float
tender duly bunching the like machines.
Vetted indents in S.1302 format along with the indenting specification for
all the Machinery and Plant for which dispensation of COFMOW is conveyed
and for the Machinery and Plant sanctioned under GM’s Out of Turn, for
processing the procurement wherever, DGS&D rate contract are available
(i.e.) Vehicles, material Handling equipments. The procurements would be
processed through RC if found suitable, to avoid any delay in procurement.
Other items would be processed through LT / SLT / OT.
From time immemorial, the Machinery & Plant Programme under Demand
No.16 – Plan Head “41” was prepared and finalised manually involving
enormous paper work and minor mistakes in the process.
Hence, a Web based system for creation, process and finalization of
Machinery & Plant proposals were initiated in the Programme year of 2004-
2005. This can be accessed at
 Sanctioning Powers
Works Costing      Sanctioning Authority  Remarks
5 cr & above              Rly Board              Prior Approval is Necessary
1 cr & above but        Rly Board
upto 5 cr
Upto 1 cr                   GM
Upto 5 lakhs              DRM                         30 lakhs in case of P A.
Compilation of Approved Works
Works Costing                            Compiled As
2.5 cr & above                            PINK BOOK
5 lakhs** & above but up               LAW BOOK
to 2.5 cr
** Different for different plan heads.
Time Schedule
Works Costing                     Target Date             Remarks
                                 (for submission
                                    to CPDE)
 5 cr & above                  15 January              For PWP 2010-11 
                                 (Previous Year)             15 Jan 2009
1 cr & above but          28 February              For PWP 2010-11,
upto 5 cr                    (Previous Year)            28 Feb 2009
 Upto 1 cr                      5 January               For LAW 2009-10,
                                (Current Year)                5 Jan 2009
Common Mistakes in the Proposals
1. Associate Finance gives vetting subject to some conditions which are not attended / remarks provided.
2. Not obtaining All Concerned Departments’ clearance especially Traffic, for Openline proposals.
3. Not obtaining costs from Respective departments.
4. Improper Plan Head. (e.g. Canteen in PH 42 – can be under PH 52 Staff amenities)
5. Improper Allocation. (e.g. Renewal of flooring in DF – can be under DRF)
6. Non inclusion of D&G charges in the estimates
Common Mistakes in the Proposals – in M&P Estimates
1. The common mistake is adopting only Basic rates in the estimate leaving out Excise duty & Cess, packing, forwarding, VAT, Freight etc.
2. Excise duty as applicable (max @ 16%) and VAT as high as 12.5% constitute a major chunk.
3. Non inclusion of these costs lead to delay in procurement, necessitate revision of estimate.
4. Sometimes this will result in change of level of the officials as per Schedule of powers apart from reduction in D&G charges and contingency charges.
5. The delay will result in further escalation of the costs.
6. Also, the Accessories, Toolings, Additional attachments and length of the DSL required are not taken into consideration while arriving at the cost.
7. Inclusion of the same at the time of specification leads to insufficient costs.
8. Power requirement of each M&P should be clearly spelt out to plan for adequate power supply arrangements
Allocation: Capital
Works which can yield financial return (RoR) of minimum 14% per annum can be charged under CAP. Since funds are borrowed from open market through IRFC, utmost care has to be taken to ensure the financial yield (a minimum of 14%) is obtained.
•Increase in POH of AC/Non AC coaches.
•ROH outturn of wagon depots.
•Augmentation of Diesel loco holding in Diesel sheds.
Allocation: DRF
Works which are entirely for replacing the old assets after their codal life are charged against DRF.
•Repair / Replacement of Covered shed.
•Replacement of Floors / Roofing.
•Replacement of Old Pit line.
Allocation: DF
Works which are for developing / augmenting of some existing facilities are proposed under DF. There are four sub heads under DF
posted on 12/12/2013

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