Saturday, October 26, 2019



    Group ‘A’:  Group ‘A’ officers are recruited through UPSC and are placed in various organized services of the Railways such as IRPS, IRTS, IRAS, IRSE, IRSME, IRSS, IRSSE, IRSEE, IRMS etc.Some officers are recruited directly as special class apprentices. They are then imparted training in Railway Training Centre at Jamalpur. This mode of recruitment is restricted to Mechanical Department only.

some isolated posts in Security department direct recruitment is made through UPSC. Some officers are recruited by special recommendation and subsequently regularized by UPSC through selection. Eligible Group ‘B’ officers are also regularly placed in Group ‘A’ in accordance with the prescribed percentage after they are selected by a Departmental Promotional Committee, which includes an UPSC member.

Group ‘B’:The recruitment to Group ‘B’ service is made through selections from the eligible Group ‘C’ employees. 70% of the assessed vacancies are filled by regular selection and 30% of the vacancies are filled by LDCE.  Group ‘B’ posts in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, S&T Engineering and Transportation are treated as safety categories for the purpose of empanelment, medical examination, etc.

Group ‘C’:Railway Recruitment Board makes majority of the recruitment to Group ‘C’. Normally such recruitments are made to initial grades.  Recruitment is also made by GM on Compassionate Grounds, Handicapped / Cultural/ Sports / Scouts quota, SC/ST special drive, etc.

RECRUITMENT OF STAFF LEVEL-1:  Recruitment to all Group-C (in LEVEL-1) will be done directly by Railway Recruitment Cell of the Zonal Railways instead of RRB.  The Recruitment Cell at HQ will be headed by Chairman (Dy.CPO) RRC& APO (Recruitment) and assisted by Group-C staff.  Recruitment of all Divisions / Workshops / Production Units and other organizations falling within the territorial jurisdiction of the Zonal Railway will be clubbed together and considered as one Recruitment Unit.

Recruitment shall be done at an interval of two years.  The vacancy is assessed after adding anticipated vacancy for the next two financial years on the accrued vacancy as on 1st of April of the year of recruitment.  The educational qualification shall be Matriculation or ITI or equivalent.  The age limit for recruitment is 18-28 years (now 28+2+2) and relaxable up to 3 years for OBC and 5 years for SC/ST candidates.

Future recruitments [Level-1 of the Pay Matrix of the 7th CPC]  (RBE No.31/2018) in Technical departments (i.e.) Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and S&T Departments) will be made on the basis of the minimum educational qualifications of 10th pass plus National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) granted by NCVT or 10th pass plus ITI in terms of instructions issued  vide RBE No.73/2017. [RBE No.148/2018]

Detailed employment notice shall be published in leading local newspapers and an ‘Indicate Notice’ be published in the Employment News and National Newspapers.  Candidates have to apply on line only along with self attested copies of SC/ST/OBC certificates.

The candidates have to give their option to a maximum of three in order of preference for the Division / Workshops / Production Units / Other organizations.  In case of combined examination for more than one category, then the candidate should also specify his preference for the posts.  No change of option is permitted at any stage later. Recruitment shall be conducted under the overall supervision of Chairman/RRC. Question Paper will be set by Chairman/RRC and printed with questions jumbled in four to five series.

The selection consists of Written Test, Physical Efficiency Test and Medical Examination.    The written examination question paper is consisting of 150 multiple choice objective type of two hours duration, printed in Hindi, English and Regional language(s).  The candidates have to answer the questions on the duplicate type Optical Mark Reader (OMR) sheets. The evaluation of answer scripts shall be done through computers.  Minimum pass mark is 40% for OC and 30% for SC/ST and OBC candidates

Physical Endurance Test:  PET is a qualifying test and passing of PET is mandatory. The number of candidates called for PET should be two times the number of vacancies. Call letter shall be sent to candidates 3 weeks prior to commencement of PET under Business Post.. In the PET, male candidates should be able to run for a distance of 1000 metres in 4 minutes 15 sec in one chance and the female candidates should be able to run for a distance of 400 metres in 3 minutes 10 sec. in one chance.  The entire proceedings of PET are to be video graphed so as to ensure transparency and the identification of bonafide candidates taking part in PET. PET will be held in the Divisions of the concerned Railway and DRM will be overall in-charge for the conduct of PET. PET will be supervised by Selection Committee of three Assistant Scale Officers nominated by DRM.  More than one Committee can be nominated as per requirement.  List of successful candidates qualifying PET will be signed by each member of the Selection Committee.

The panel will be based strictly on merit position obtained in the written examination.  Currency of panel shall be for a period of 2 years from the date of publication.  The currency of the panel may be e tended by one year by GM in case of administrative exigencies.
The recruitment to posts in GP 1800 is also made by empanelling the eligible casual labourers, substitutes, Compassionate Grounds appointment, Handicapped / Cultural/ Sports / Scouts quota, SC/ST special drive appointment etc.

General conditions (Group C Level):  Direct recruitments to Group C (above 1800 Level) posts are made through RRBs.  RRB makes recruitment on local/regional or All India basis. Regional/ local recruitment is resorted for recruitment to lower grade posts for which RRB or respective Railway Administration issues notifications in English/Hindi/regional language as decided.  All India basis recruitment is resorted for higher grade posts for which notification is to be issued in all leading newspapers. 

Notification of RRB is normally issued during May/June.  A time limit of at least 6 weeks is allowed from the date of advertisement for submitting applications. In the notifications conditions regarding scheme of examination, scale of pay, qualification, age, number of vacancies, training, stipend etc., are shown. Application forms of RRB are in English and Hindi.

The Nodal RRB in every Railway makes recruitment for ex-servicemen.

Friday, October 25, 2019



The main purpose of the single file system is to have the full picture of a subject in one file itself.

A Single file contains two parts, namely the correspondence portion on the left hand side and noting portion on the right hand side. There should be no noting on the letters attached to the files on the left hand side, except endorsement of Officers calling for file, marking previous reference numbers and references to other files. A file cover can run upto 300 folios. When a file grows to bigger size, another volume of the file should be opened with a fresh file cover. These fresh files will bear the same file number and the volume number is also indicated. The first volume is not marked as Volume I.

On the noting side of the file, only foolscap sheets should be used. Both sides of a sheet should be used for noting. The pages on the noting side are referred to as pre page and the letters on the left hand side of the file are referred to as Folio.

The filing procedure should facilitate easy collection of information, apart from eliminating possibility of manipulation at a later date. Folio number should be written in red and rounded at the right side top corner. In case a letter has more than one sheet, individual folio numbers should be given to each sheet.

In order to have easy access to letters and their replies, the dealing clerk should mark back references and forward references on the letters. There may be a reference to an earlier correspondence in the text of a letter and by underlining the same in red, respective folio numbers may be indicated. In some cases, the back reference may be in a different file, in such case the folio number and the case file number should be indicated.

Whenever a letter is put up with a noting, the clerk should examine the issue in the light of provisions of codes, manual and extant orders duly using their intelligence in analyzing the issue and come up with suggestions to help the officer to take a decision faster. The noting should be presented in a logical way and also the events in chronological order. The dealing clerk should ensure that there are at least one or two blank papers on the PP side while passing the file from one official to another. The dealing clerk should mend the files, which are damaged, before putting up the same. While putting up the noting, the folio numbers should be cross connected to avoid attaching flags. In case a link file is necessary, the folio number and the file number should be indicated in the noting and the noting should confirm “Linked file no……………….is attached”. All important letters should reach the concerned file without any delay.

The letter issued from the file should be condensed preferably in one page.  The wording should be short, but express the meaning fully. Whenever a draft letter is put up for approval in the file, references to folio number of the earlier correspondence should be indicated on the draft.  This should be continued even at the time of putting up the fair copy for the signature of the Officer.  Railway abbreviations should not be used in the letter addressed to outsiders and the expression should be courteous.  Invariably in all the letters the name and designation of the officer signing the letter should be mentioned, as the indication increases the sense of responsibility of the Officer and enhances the credibility of the letter at the receiving end.

Replies to important letters should be dispatched with the approval of the competent authority duly indicating in the letter that this is issued with the approval of........... If somebody else signs the letter.  Always the office copy of the letter should also have the copies of enclosures.  However if the enclosures are already available in the same file at least the folio number should be indicated under the enclosure list of the office copy.  It is always better to refer the letter no. of the addressee in a reply letter.  The dealing clerk should issue self-contained reminders without waiting for the instructions from the officers.
In order to avoid the loss of files in transit, when a file leaves a branch and is going to another branch, movement of the file has to be recorded to locate it later.  On the cover of each file, the name of the dealing clerk and the supervisor with their designation may be written. Papers of same size (A-4) may be used for making letters and notes. While using computer stationery the perforated edges may be removed so as to get paper of proper size.All correspondences to SR / PU / Other Units would be through Official NIC email.  All fresh instructions are to be uploaded on the home page of SR / PU / Other Unit website for at least 15 days and subsequently the same may be transferred to the designated location on the website. [PBC No.234/2018]

Advantages of single file system

1.    There is a system of maintaining one file for one subject.
2.    The filing procedure is systematic.
3.    Entire subject is contained in one file.
4.    Correspondences between branches are considerably reduced.
5.    Delay due to interchange of correspondence is avoided. 
6.    Views of another branch are obtained in the file.
7.    File linking is reduced.
8.    Workload of the clerk is reduced.
9.    Disadvantages of single file system
10.  Delay due to circulation.
11.  Possibility of loss of file in transit.
12.  Operation of parallel files due to urgency.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Field Inspection List


1.       Attendance Register
2.       Muster Rolls and Labour Pay Sheets
3.       Leave Accounts
4.       Service Records
5.       T A Journals And Bills
6.       Court Attachment Register
7.       Advances And Recovery Register
8.       Passes and PTOs
9.       Rent Rolls and Electricity Energy Charges
10.   Payment under WCA
11.   Register of withheld amounts from settlements


A.       WORKS
1.       Commencement Of Work
2.       Execution Of Work
a.       Work orders
b.      Tendering
c.       Disposal of tenders
3.       Contract agreements
4.       Register of agreements
5.       Contract management
6.       Contract payments
a.       Measurement book
b.      Contractors’ bills
c.       Contractors’ ledger
7.       Closing of accounts

B.      STORES

1.       Imprest stores accounts
2.       Tools and plant account
3.       Empties account
4.       Purchase orders
5.       Rails
6.       Sleepers and cement registers
7.       Ballast
8.       Adjustment memos
9.       Accounts of released material
10.   Check of Material At Site returns

  1. Land management
  2. Auction sales
  3. Machinery and plant
  4. Log book for department transport hiring of vehicles and BSNL telephones
  5. Register of repairs to office equipment
  6. Clothing account
  7. Cash imprest account