Thursday, December 26, 2019

cost of laying one KM railway line

  • NEW LINES                                 8.00 Crores
  • GAUGE CONVERSION             3.50 Crores
  • DOUBLING                                 9.60 Crores
  • PET (Preliminary Enginerring-cum-
  • Traffic Survey                              63 Thousands
  • Updating PET                               27  Thousands
  • FLS Final Location Survey          1.80 Lakhs or 2 % of Total sanctioned Estimate
  • Preliminary Expenses                 9 Lakhs         
  • Electrification - Route KM        10 Crores 
  • Electrification - Track KM        1 Crores  

  • NEW LINES                                 5.00 Crores
  • GAUGE CONVERSION             5.00 Crores
  • DOUBLING                                 6.00 Crores
  • PET (Preliminary Enginerring-cum-
  • Traffic Survey                              35 Thousands
  • Updating PET                               15  Thousands
  • FLS Final Location Survey         1Lakhs or 2 % of Total sanctioned Estimate
  • Preliminary Expenses                 5 Lakhs         
  • Electrification - Route KM        55 Lakhs
  • Electrification - Track KM        75 Lakhs
for further clarification please contact Rly Phone 27496 CN/MS; 
27114 RE/MS

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Cost and time overruns

Cost and time overruns
1032. Cost and Time overruns:

Cost overruns occur mostly due to delays in decision making and procurement.
The following steps should be taken to reduce the lead time and accelerate spending under this plan head.
a. CMEs should generate a 10 year Master Plan for replacement on age-cum condition basis – indicating machines to be replaced on chronological basis
for all departments.
b. Proposals to be carefully thought out and fine tuned. Once a machine is sanctioned, there should be no road blocks like essentiality certificate etc.
c. While advising Budget sanctions for new M&Ps, both in Plan Head 41 and 42, the category of the item (Para above refers) as decided is clearly indicated, so that procurement action by the concerned agency is organized in time
d. Once the ------- Budget is approved, procurement action for Category A items should be instantly initiated by COFMOW, without any need for long waits in processing of indents by the users. Minor clarifications from the Zonal Railways for site details or other technical requirements can be obtained by COFMOW, in case they are necessary, through the respective nodal officers of the user Railways.
e. Debits must be passed on to the Railways or PUs, after the machines are commissioned. For this purpose COFMOW should be ------ sanctioned a suspense fund as the “Capital at charge”.
f. Category D items and category C items wherein dispensation is received from COFMOW should be directly procured by the concerned user Railway or PU.
g. All M&P indents should be accompanied by a site drawing, keeping it clear
at the time of indenting -- except in rare and extraordinary circumstances.
h. Excess over estimates: COFMOW should make a compendium of rates for all categories of machines, duly including taxes and duties. This information shall be available in COFMOW’s interactive portal (, to enable the users to indicate realistic estimates at the time of initiating the proposals, duly avoiding delays in getting sanctions for Excess over Estimates. Irrespective of the value, excess over estimates for category A items should be sanctioned by Board and for other items by the General Manager. SOP should be modified accordingly.
i. The Tender (AT) documents should
1. Have clearly phrased the warranty clause, plugging loopholes.
2. Spell out conditions for the terms “Commissioning Certificate” and “Proving test certificate” unambiguously, binding not only the consignor but also the consignee. In order to minimize the delays caused by mismatching creation of various items of an Industrial facility, either through plan head 41 or through other related plan heads, the following execution methodology must be considered.
a. Greenfield projects should preferably be executed through turn-key route. Components of a project can be grouped into 2 or more sub-projects so that each group in itself is a complete facility.
b. Likewise facilities of setting up an assembly line must also be preferably executed through turn-key route.
c. All individual M&P items requiring associated facilities such as extensive foundations, sheds, track linking, substantial power supply etc. must be executed through turn-key route, as spelt out in para 318 & para 426 stores code and in “Rules for entering into supply contract”.
d. In Brownfield projects also where the area has to be vacated for installing new facilities and M&P may also be executed on turn-key basis.

One single factor that invariably inflicts heavy “time and cost over runs” undeniably, is inadequate application of mind at the proposal stage. Quite often, a lump sum cost based on past experience is assumed for inclusion in the Pink Book. Detailed estimates are tailored to stay around this ad-hoc figure. More than a year or two lapses before the various formalities are gone through. The problem gets compounded if cost escalations manifest in complete revision of estimates.
It is therefore necessary to order a feasibility survey and obtain a Detailed project report (DPR), particularly in green field projects, such as a new workshop or diesel shed costing Rs 50 Cr and above. The DPR should bring out:
a. Various options to meet the demand
b. Investigations for pre-investment decision by examining these options, including optimization of existing facilities to decide the best alternative from financial and operating point of view to make an ideal investment decision.
c. Fairly detailed plans of the best option so chosen
d. Approx cost in current prices
e. Expected benefits
f. Project evaluation which may involve economic analysis, (cf. Para 235-F)or Social Profitability Analysis, in addition to financial appraisal;
g. Assessment of deliverables
Sanctioning of mega projects must therefore not precede a detailed survey, butmust be its natural corollary. After a Survey is included in the sanctioned Budget, the General Managers can sanction Survey Estimates costing up to Rs. 5 lakhs.

Maintenance of civil and electrical infrastructure in workshops:

Maintenance of civil and electrical infrastructure in workshops:
Timely inputs of Maintenance can avoid major investments for the fixed infrastructure of Workshops through Works Programme. Also as per provisions of factory act, the occupier is expected to ensure that the plant and systems are maintained so that these are safe and cause no health hazards.
a. To enable the occupier to discharge the duties without compromising on health and safety, it is necessary that separate funds are earmarked for repair and  maintenance of civil and electrical infrastructure of workshops. For maintenance of civil engineering infrastructure separate provision of funds in Detailed Heads 431 (Workshops) and 433 (Stores) under Revenue Demand 4-430 should be given. Similar exclusive provision of funds for maintenance of infrastructure for electrical services should be done. Funds should be communicated by zonal Railway headquarters to the workshops under the relevant revenue heads, to be spent with the specific approval/ sanction of the workshop in-charge.
b. In respect of funds for maintenance of civil and electrical infrastructure forworkshops, all budgetary reviews/ estimates i.e. August Review, R.E., F.M. and B.E. should be done by workshops depending on the need to maintain workshop infrastructure by CWM.
c. The workshop Finance shall act as the Associate Finance for all infrastructure maintenance contract matters related to the workshop.
d. The process of estimation and tendering for works should be done/coordinated by workshop Civil / Electrical Engineer.

Capital / Unit exchange spares.

Capital / Unit exchange spares.
Certain items of spares for diesel locos, diesel rail cars, electric locos, Break Down Cranes and EMU/MEMU stock which are not in the nature of consumable stores but  intended to accelerate repairs are identified as capital/unit exchange spares chargeable to Capital directly. In view of the increase in the cost of locomotives in the past few years, obsolescence in the current list of items of capital/unit exchange spares, improvement in the degree of reliability of major components/assembly kept as spares, utility of each component by itself or as a part of a major assembly, lead time for the procurement & nature of the item and whether kept as stock items or not,
the monetary limit for capitalization of spares which are procured through IRSP is fixed at a certain level by Railway Board, which shall be revised periodically according
to an appropriate formula, taking inflation into account. Low-cost unit exchange Spares with unit cost below such monetory limit is not included in the proposal for IRSP, but procured through Stock/Non-stock indents allocating the expenditure to Revenue.
Lists of capital/unit exchange spares along with their percentage on the holding as well as the provision/ share between workshops and sheds to be maintained, shall be advised by Railway Board periodically. The list should be for restricted number of items only, which are very critical rolling stock sub-assemblies, having longer lead for procurement and the repair practice in workshops is cumbersome/ time consuming, affecting the cycle time of repair of rolling stock in the workshops.

Note: While Items with unit cost below the threshold monetory limit stipulated by Railway Board may not be generally included as capital spare in the RSP, same does not imply that the items costing above the threshold monetory limit are to be treated only as Capital Spares same can be allowed to be purchased under revenue, subject to exigencies and emergent situations.


 Outsourcing – need to outsource

While it may be ideal to do most of the jobs in-house to ensure strict control over quality of inputs and processes, outsourcing the work to other agencies may become inescapable, under circumstances such as:
a. There is no possibility of getting it done in other Railway workshops with known capacity and capability for the product.
b. Sudden spurt in the requirement of components/sub-assemblies far beyond the capacity of the shops
c. Need to optimize and augment capacity of core shops (assembly shops) resulting in re-deployment of personnel from non-core to core shops (component to assembly shop) with consequent capacity reduction ofcomponent shop
d. Introduction of new material/technology for which skills/capacity/equipment may not be available within the workshop
e. Standard components that can be procured from outside or the work outsourced, resulting in lowering of cost. This is due to economy in scale of production available with the supplier.
f. Short-term / one time jobs for which permanent capacity cannot be created within the workshop
g. Need for heavy inputs of infrastructure not commensurate with the quantum of required by Railways for its production.
Under these circumstances, the shop in-charge should decide to opt for outsourcing. Outsourcing can be from either a unit outside the workshop premises or an outside agency which will be required to execute the task inside the workshop.

1104. Outsourcing to units outside the workshops.
Components and assemblies can be outsourced to unit a outside the PU through a system of tendering, keeping in view the under mentioned guidelines:
a) Decision on outsourcing shall be taken at the level of the Workshop / Factory In charge, with Finance Concurrence, except for certain critical components as excluded by the PHOD wherein criteria for out sourcing as and when needed will be finalised by HOD of Workshop for Zonal Railways only, in consultation with associate finance.
b) Pricing guidelines shall be established on the basis of in-house manufacturing-cost-excluding overheads and overheads to be added at commercial rates for cost comparison.

1105. Outsourcing or contracting for works within the Railway Premises.
In case of certain sub-assemblies, assemblies and critical items, it becomes necessary that manufacture, assembly and/or testing is carried out inside the Railway premises by the contracting party due to reasons such as:
a. Need to control of quality of raw material
b. Facilitate control of quality of workmanship through stage inspections
c. Specialized large-scale infrastructure needed for the manufacturing process may not be available with vendors.
d. Need for investment in costly specialized equipment, which are otherwise not usable by the vendor for other general products manufactured by the vendor. Since both these aspects will inflate his bid price which will ultimately get loaded on the cost of production. Special tooling required for the job
e. Component/processes forming part of an assembly line in the ProductionUnit or Workshop.
f. Logistical problems and disproportionate transportation costs.
1106. While outsourcing within the shop facilities, all safeguards in Para 1103 shall be ensured. In addition, to avoid contract disputes, care should be taken to see that following conditions are fulfilled and precautions taken:
a. Work area for the contractor to be separated from that of Railway staff
b. Shared machine and equipment time available to the contractor to be clearly defined to avoid mix up
c. Wherever raw material and consumables are to be supplied by the Railway, stock should kept separately and accounted for.
d. Consumption norms for raw materials and consumables to be evolved for each item issued to the contractor by the Railways
e. Documentation to be signed by both Shop Supervisor and Contractor
f. Electric power, water and utilities including tools provided by the railways tobe accounted and documented
g. Control of quality of workmanship by in process inspection
h. Accountal of scrap / left over material to be returned by contractor to be accounted and kept separate
i. Industrial safety standards as prevailing in the shop shall apply to the contract workers.
j. All relevant legal provisions and their compliance to be ensured.

Check list for precautions to be taken before contract is awarded for outsourcing work inside the workshop with outside labour.
Precaution To Be Taken
Has separate work area for contractor been earmarked

Has requirement of Railway supplied consumables – like special electrodes, water, electricity etc. been computed and listed

Has material requirement for outsourced job been separately worked out

Has machine hours for use of Railway equipment for the job been computed and listed

whether payment to contract workers is being made through bank, in a transparent manner

Have contractor’s workers been issued separate ID

Is an accounting system in place for contractor supplied items, raw materials and consumables

Has workshop supervision been organized to check on the work

Has the contractor complied with all legal provisions required under law, for which the Railway has an onus of responsibility

Note: The answer to all the items is to be ‘yes’, Before outsourcing Contract is awarded.

Sunday, December 8, 2019


Munnar is the Tamil word meaning three rivers – Nallathanni(Potable water), Periya Kaanal(big canal) and Chinna kana(small canal)n l- as the place was developed by the Tamils who were taken there by the British to work in the tea plantations. Most of the laborers are oppressed communities from the southern and eastern Tamil Nadu. The tyranny of caste system was so unbearable, people preferred to run away fro their native villages to the hilly areas. The caste system became so rigid after the invasion of the Vijayanagara Empire which totally decimated the local Nadu system of administration to palayapattu and pandaravada divisions. While the rich and fertile palayapattus were kept with the Telugu nobles, the dry and red and black soil palayapattu were given to the Maravar caste which helped probably the invaders to quell the rebellion of the local Tamils. Thus the areas under Ramanathapuram and Tirunelveli which fell into the hands of Maravar castes,were forced to flee to the mountains in search of livelihood and peace. Until some forty years, there was not even a road to reach Munnar and Bodi Mettu was the last point up to which Ghat roads led to. From there people who were largely workers in the plantations, walked to the Munnar.
We have taken the journey via Madurai. On reaching Madurai, we proceeded to the central bus stand to take a bus to Theni. It takes about two hours to reach Theni from where lots of buses are plying to Munnar. It takes exactly three hours to reach Munnar. The border between Tamil Nadu and Kerala state is at the Bodi Mettu (Mettu – top view point) which is exactly in the middle distance between Theni and Munnar. The hills and valley view on the way to Munnar is very breath taking. The serpentine and meandering road is really living monument to human effort to transform nature for its own uses and the ability of the humankind to continuously wage war with nature.

Having arranged to live in a particular relatives’ house it was not a problem to reach the house on the by an auto rickshaw. No sooner we had lunch at 2.30 hours there was sever downpour for next two hours. Therefore, we could not move out of the house.
· Eravikulam (Rajamalai) National Park:[1] 45 mins from Munnar. See Nilgiri Thar (Hemitragas hylocres) - an endangered species of mountain goats, rolling grasslands and sholas, spread over 97 sq km in the Rajamalai hills, rare flora and fauna, Atlas moth (largest in the world), lion-tailed macaque, leopards, tigers, The Kurichi or Neelakurinji Flowers turn the hills of Rajamalai blue every 12 years. The next bloom will be in 2018. One can actually debate if going to the high peak just to see some goats is worth all the effort or not. However, the walk along the park is very romantic and has some breath taking view.
· Anamudi Peak inside Eravikulam National Park: The highest peak (2695 m) south of the Himalayas, towers over the sanctuary in majestic pride. The slopes of the hills abound in all kinds of rare flora and fauna. The Atlas moth, the largest of its kind in the world, is a unique inhabitant of the park. Other rare species of fauna found here are the Nilgiri Langur, the lion-tailed macaque, leopards, tigers, etc. An ideal place for trekking, facilities are provided here and tourists are allowed to go on foot up to Anamudi.
· Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary,[2].
· Mattupetti Dam - 10km from Munnar, this popular picnic spot activities like boating and horse riding and is a great place to spend the day especially if visiting with children.
· Mattupetti Indo-Swiss Farm - Better known as Mattupetti (cattle village), Tamil migrant labourers had once upon a time reared cattle here. The cool climate and abundance of fodder made it the ideal location for the Indo-Swiss dairy farm. Established in 1961, the Kerala Livestock Development Board (KLDB) manages this highly specialised dairy farm. The dairy farm is a unique one of its kind with more than 100 varieties of high-yielding cattle being reared.

Echo Point
· Echo Point - 15km from Munnar, on the way to top station from Munnar is a small lake set amidst rolling hills. Every loud call made from a spot on the lake embankment is returned manifold by the echo from the surrounding hills. Young tourists throng to this place to listen to the echoes of their friendship calls.
· Top Station, [3]. 37km from Munnar on the Kerala and Tamil Nadu border, has great views of the Western Ghats. Top station is the "top"-tourist attraction. This place gives a real 'above the clouds' experience. Regular buses go to Top Station (1 hr) from Munnar. A jeep costs Rs 400. The area is known for the Neelakurunji plant, which flowers only once every twelve years. The flower is violet.
· Salim Ali (Thattekkadi) Bird Sanctuary, [4]. There are woodpeckers, Malabar gray hornbills, Ceylon frogmouths, parakeets, and rose-billed rollers. This sanctuary is located 20km from Kothamangalam on the road between Ernakulam and Munnar. There are basic and mid-range hotels in Kothamangalam and an Inspection Bungalow in Boothathankettu. You can take a boat cruise from Boothathankettu to Thattekkad. Admission Foreigners/Indian Rs 40/10.
water fall near Rajmala
· Marayoor - Around 40km from Munnar. It is the only place in Kerala with natural growth of sandalwood trees, natural caves with murals, and relics from Later Stone Age civilization. There is a sandalwood factory of the Forest Department of Kerala and a children's park extending across one hectare of land under the canopy of a single Banyan tree, all of which attract tourists in large numbers.
· Kolukkumalai Tea Estate - At a height of about 7130 ft, this orthodox tea factory lays claim to being one of the highest in the world. The view of the Western Ghats is absolutely enchanting.
· Blossom Garden - Houses many different varieties of flowers. Tourist will definitely take away good memories from this place.
· Water falls - Check out several natural waterfalls on the way to Munnar. These waterfalls carry fresh rain water. They provide an excellent place for all tourists to have photo shootout.
[edit] Do
· Walk in the Clouds - Trek to your hearts content while the clouds slowly descend upon you.
· Rock Climbing and Rappelling - Munnar has a steep rock face about 100ft.
· The Christ Church, in Old Munnar. The exteriors have worn out with time though the charming interiors still have a very nice ambiance. It was consecrated way back in 1910 and still has 14 original rows of pews. The first Catholic Church in the High Ranges was Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church.
· The High Range Club has a charming colonial style. The club house is built of wicker and teak and is the social hub for the tea "Planters" of the region. Members enjoy lounging in the bar over Planter's Punch followed by a good meal, a game of billiards or reading a book in the library.
· Munnar Supply Association (MSA) Set up in 1900, this is another nostalgic landmark worth visiting in Munnar. It is the oldest department store in the area and has been re-inventing itself to stay relevant and popular after almost 102 years. The store was run by "planters" who still manage its affairs. The MSA is a red brick red tiled building with gables, buttresses and a porch and is now a heritage site.
· Boating There are several places to go out for boating in Munnar. One can choose among peddle boats, speed boats to Kashmiri-Shikara. Young couples who travel to Munnar should not miss-out on the beautiful 'Kashmiri-Shikara' boat ride. It is one of the most romantic experiences.
The best things to buy are Tea, coffee and spices like cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and pepper.
· Munnar Fancy, INTUC Building, GH Road, Munnar, Kerala, India - 685612. Ph:91-4865-232554 , Leo Gift House, D.M.Samuel & Sons , DMS Jewellery , Marakkar Shopping Centre Rahim Book Stall, Tel : 91-486-2530759 , DTPC stall, Tel: 91-486-2530682. Good for spices. Sunny Traders, Tel: 91-486-2530476. A tea shop.
· Shakthi Hills Computers,kanthalloor, Tel : 04865246444. Computer Stationary
[edit] Banks/Currency Exchange
· State Bank of Travancore, Tel: 91-486-2530274, State Bank of India, Munnar Tel : 91-486-2530381, State Bank of Travancore, Devikulam Tel : 91-486-2564234.
· TreeTop Restaurant, Autumn Trees in Devikulam,A Multi-cusine restaurant having 70 person seating capacity.Vegetarian food & Non-Vegetarian food available. Ph; 04865 264273, 264399 [5], Silverspoon restaurant, Munnar inn, Food Court, Munnar inn, [6] Saravana Bhavan - Right at the heart of town is the most inexpensive places to eat. The service here is quick and the food is absolutely DELICIOUS. But one has to be accommodating when eating at Sarvana Bhavan. You might have to share your table with others. This place provides south Indian dishes, served on a Banana leaf. Mahavir Jain Restaurant - Provides authentic North-Indian food. Meals at Mahavir Jain restaurant is a total hit. They provide meals ranging from Gujarati-meals to Punjabi-Meals. One cannot stop eating the delicious rotis at this place. However, compared to other restaurant, this places it slightly expensive. Meals start from Rs. 75/-
You can have tea and coffee from street side shops
· AUTUMN TREES RESORTS, [[[Devikulam, Munnar (Tarrif Rs.950 -2500) PHONE +91-4865-264273, [7] KASHMEERAM Resort, [8]. Kaippallil Resort Home stay, [9]. Royal Retreat, Munnar, [10]. Hotel Hill view, [11], 1km from Munnar. Munnar Inn, [12]. Edassery Eastend, [13]. Issac's Residency, +91-4865-230501/502/503, [14]. Highrange Inn, [15]. Elysium Gardens, [16]
[edit] Mid-range
· Hotel Westwood Riverside, [17], 1km from Munnar Town. Blackberry Hills, [18], 3 km from Munnar. Deshadan Mountain Resort, [19], 5km from Munnar. Copper Castle, Pothamedu Road, 2km from Munnar, [20]. Autumn Trees Resorts, Devikulam, Munnar(Tarrif Rs.800-1900)PHONE +91-4865-264273 / +91-4865-264399,, [21].
· Hotel Anai Mudi, [22], Munnar - Marayoor Route. Chancellor Resort, [23]. Chinnakkanal (22 kms. from Munnar Town on the way to Thekkady/Periyar). The Siena Village, [24]. Chinnakkanal (20 kms. from Munnar Town on the way to Thekkady/Periyar) Hotel Oak Fields, [25], Pothamedu (5km from Munnar). Camp Noel, [26], Pazhathottam, Munnar Camelot, 10 km from Munnar, - if you are traveling in your own vehicle then Camalot is a good choice. you need to drive 2 KM off road to reach the resort, which is fun. however if you are new to driving, leave your car at the entrance and ask the owner to pick you up from there. pack your food in town as the choice of food at resort is limited [27]. Bracknell forest, [28], Pothamedu (7km from Munnar).
· Tall Trees, [29]. Pothamedu, 4km from Munnar.
· Best Western Fort Munnar, [30]. Chinnakkanal (22 kms from Munnar Town).
· Club Mahindra Lakeview Resort, [31]. Chinnakkanal (20 kms. from Munnar Town on the way to Thekkady/Periyar).
· Tea County, [32]. Munnar. Windermere, Bison Valley Road, outskirts Munnar, [33].
· Camp Noel, [34], Pazhathottam, Munnar.
· Main Post Office, Tel : 91-486-2530280.
Emergency numbers
· Police control room: 100 / Fire station: 101 / Ambulance: 101
Ayurvedic Treatment / Massage
· Swatic Ayur Care Centre , tel. -91-9447031656, 91-4865-231656,230395.
· Surya Ayurvedic Health Resorts, Chithirapuram, tel. 91-486-2563204.
Stay safe
Apply sun block lotion while you leave Munnar because as you descend the hills the weather gets warmer and causes sun burn.
· Tata General Hospital, Munnar Tel : 91-486-2530270
· Matha Hospital , Munnar Tel : 91-486-2530744
· Arun Hospital, Munnar Tel : 91-486-2530410
Get out
The nearest places of tourist interest are Thekkadi (wild life sanctuary), Kumuli Falls, Kodaikanal on the Tamil Nadu and Nilambur, wyanad and kuttanad on the Kerala side.