Tuesday, January 18, 2022


          MCQ STORES 2022

1.     Source of stores supply to Indian railways

(a)  Purchases, 

(b)  Manufactured by Railway Workshop, 

(c)  Returned Stores ; and 

(d)  Transfer of Stores from other Railways or departments. 

(e)    all the above                                        S 301

        2. in the stores branch the tenders in use are

             a. open tender single tender and limited tender

             b. global tender open tender special limited tender and single tender

              c. open tender bulletin tender and single tender

    3. Minima and Maxima.    

a.    Upper and lower limit of stocked stores B. the upper and lower limit of quantity ordered  c. the upper and lower limit of each office d.none of these s124.

4. the purchase policy of IR in accordance with

a. Order of preference

b. Price preference      

c. market price

d. above all


5. to encourage local industries IR has

A. price preference

b.  preference to small scale industries

c,  development order to encourage ss units

d. above all


6. constitution of tender committee minimum

a.  three  members

b. two members

c. four members


7. types of stores contract

a. 5 b. 3 c. 4 d. 7


8. Form       is used for sending condemned material to Stored

a)     Issue Ticket, b) DS 8 , c) Requisition d) None of these

9. PL number is used to denote

a)     Stock items, b) Non Stock c) special Purchase

10.The stores Expenditure is charged to Demand No

a)     Demand No 16, b) Demand No c) Demand No 07

11.The chief of stores dept is

a)     CMM, b) COS c)  PCMM

12.Stock items are drawn in form No

a)     Requisition, b) issue ticket c) S 1302 d) S 1313

13.How many stores depots are there in S Rly

a)     30  b) 41 c) 52

14.How many tenders are there in Stores Branch

a)     3, b) 5, c) 7

15.IMMS is

a)     Integrated material Management System b) International Material .Management Software c) Indian railway material management software

16The Stores Tenders are digitized and

a)     Digital tenders b) computerized tender c) eTender

17.stores are debited to

a)     Suspense Head, b) Regular Head c) Revenue Head

18.   Repeat Orders are

a. when more materials are required beyond a contract period 

b. to avoid invitation of fresh tenders

c. when more materials are required during the contract period except LT or ST  S 442

19. True Issue means

a. total requirement

b. the material actually issued

c. ordinary stock

d. actual consumption excludes depot transfers, issues to non-recurring capital works, sales, adjustments and other non-recurring issues .. S608

20. Modes of payment in stores supply are

a. 100 % b. 95% and 90 % c. 90 % 95% and 98 % d. 100%,98% 95% and 90%  S.824.

21. Types of contracts with Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals

a. three b.four c. two d. one

22. The tenders for concrete sleeper are floated by

a. PCE b. DRM c. GM d. RB S. 1041.   

23. the normal contractual period for production of concrete sleepers is

a.1 or 2 years b. three years c. five years d. 5-10 years

24. contracts for concrete sleepers are signed by

a. RB b. Division c. Zone . PCE

25. The Receipt Registers (S. 1219) maintained in the Receipt Section, the Weighment Register (S. 1215) and the delivery sheets of van clerks should be inspected _______by an Accounts Stock Verifier attached to the depot

a. annual b. biannual c. monthly d. biennial  

26. Departmental Stock Verification Sheets are prepared in

a. duplicate b. triplicate c. quadruplicate d. quintuplicate  S 1260

27. The combined Requisition and Issue Notes is prepared in

a. duplicate b. triplicate c. quadruplicate d. sextuplicate S 1316

—Wherever possible, die requisition and the issue note should be combined into the form of "Requisition and Issue Note" shown below:— 

28. S. 1339. Department Stock Verification involves

a. all items b. select items of large annual consumption having regular and frequent issues c. items received in current month d. items not verified by accounts stock verifiers

29. Authority for Removal of Wagons is prepared in

a. duplicate b. quadruplicate c. triplicate d. sextuplicate S. 1358) and disposed of as

30. SRR is

a. Short Recoupment Reqisition b. Stock Recoupment Requisition c. stores reorder requisition d. stock reorder request  

31. EPSRR is

a. Emergency Purchase Stock Recoupment Requisition b. eexclusive procurement stores request for recoupment c. emergent procurement of stores recouping request .

32 S.1530. Articles manufactured in workshops for stock purposes requires

 a. a request form s.1437 b. request form s. 1457 c. request form s. 1467

33. Systems of stores imprest  S.1803

a. two types b. one only c. three types d. four types

34 . Movable surplus is S. 2218

a.      not used for 12 months b. unused for 24 months c. unused for 36 month

35. dead surplus is

a. unused for 24 months and not required for next two years

b. unused for 12 months and not required for next one year

c. unused for 24 months and not required for next three years

36. survey committee in stores branch is appointed by

a. DRM b. PCMM c. GM d. RB S. 2225. .

37. the functions of stores accounts

a. check, compile and verify, b. check only c. compile and verify

38. stock verification in railway depots is described in stores code

a. chapter 31 b. chapters 32 and 33 c. chapter 34

39. Purchase Accounts Registers is always

a. debit balance b. credit balance c. Nil balance

40. The Section Officer is to review Purchase Accounts Registers once

a. week b. fortnight c. month d. once in three months

41. Stores is a suspense head under Demand No

a. 03 b. 16 c. 10 d. 12

42. Purchase indigenous is charged to sub heads

a. 7110 b. 7120 c. 7130 d. 7160

43. stores in transit SINT is charged to sub head

a. 7120 b. 7130 c 7160 d. 7170

44. stock adjustment accounts is charged to sub head

a. 7150 b 7160 c, 7180 d. 7110

45. Preparation of stores budget is detailed in store code chapter

a. 31 b. 30 c. 32 d. 28

46. Tools and Plants are verified once in

a. year b. two years c. three years d. five years

47. machinery and plant are verified

a. biannual b. annual c. biennial d. triennial

48.Form       is used for sending condemned material to Stored

9.     Issue Ticket, b) DS 8 , c) Requisition d) None of these

49.PL number is used to denote

b)    Stock items, b) Non Stock c) special Purchase

50. The stores Expenditure is charged to Demand No

Demand No 16, b) Demand No c) Demand No 07

51.The chief of stores dept is

CMM, b) COS c)  PCMM

52. Stock items are drawn in form No

Requisition, b) issue ticket c) S 1302 d) S 1313

53. How many stores depots are there in S Rly

30  b) 41 c) 52

54. How many tenders are there in Stores Branch

3, b) 5, c) 7

55. IMMS is

Integrated material Management System b) International Material Management Software c) Indian railway material management software

56. The Stores Tenders are digitized and

Digital tenders b) computerized tender c) eTender

57. stores are debited to

Suspense Head, b) Regular Head c) Revenue Head



1.     Head wise Appropriation Accounts is prepared in

a)     Units of Rupees b) Thousands of Rupees c) Lakhs of Rupees

2.     PB is accounted in Demand No

a)     03 General Sudpt and services b) 11 Staff Welfare c) 12 Misc Working Expenditure

3.     Railway expenditure is divided in to ------- Demands

a)     16 b) 12 c) 14

4.     The Revenue expenditure is classified in to

a)     01-15 b) 03-13 c) 01-16

5.     The expenditure of RB is allocated to Demand No

a)     02 b) 03 c) 01

6.     The Railway Budget is discontinued from the year

a)2015 b) 2016 c) 2017

      7.  The Parliamentary control over Railway finances is by

            a) Public Accounts Committee b) Parliament c) Estimates Committee d) all the three

      8.  D F in Railway Funds sources is

           a) Dedicated Facility b) Depreciation Fund c) Development Fund

      9.  when an aged asset is replaced it is charged to

           a) DRF b) SRSF c) RRSK

     10. Unremunerative railway works are charged to

           a) Development Fund b) DRF c) Capital

     11. Govt of India accounts are in

           a) One part b) three parts c) four parts

     12. Indian Railway accounts are

           a) Commercial b) finance (Govt) c) both commercial and Govt

     13. Railway accounts are maintained on the basis of

           a) Cash basis b) accrual basis c) double entry book keeping

     14. Internal auditing is done by

           a) Audit officer b) accounts officer c) DRM

     15. Audit objections are raised by

           a) Accounts Office b) Audit Office c) Inspection Section of Accounts Office

     16. Test Audit Notes are issued by

           a) AuO b) AO c) FA&CAO

     17. External audit is done by

           a) Audit Office b) Accounts Office c) Charted Accountant

     18. The first review of finance is done in

            a) August Review b) Revised Estimates c) First Modification

     19. Final Modification is prepared in the month of

          a) April  b) January c) December

     20. Railway budgeting is based on

          a) gross b) net  c) cash

     21. Demands for Grants is prepared in

          a) Demand wise b) sub head wise c) Primary Unit wise d) all these

     22.   Railway Earnings are classified in to

            a) 5  b) 3 c) 4

     23.  Railway Expenditure is

            a) Voted b) Charged c) both

    24.  Public Accounts Committee is constituted

           a) annual b) two years c) five years

    25. Railway Convention Committee is constituted

          a) Annual b) five years c) three years


1.      Form       is used for sending condemned material to Stored

10. Issue Ticket, b) DS 8 , c) Requisition d) None of these

2.     PL number is used to denote

c)     Stock items, b) Non Stock c) special Purchase

3.     The stores Expenditure is charged to Demand No

b)    Demand No 16, b) Demand No c) Demand No 07

4.     The chief of stores dept is

b)    CMM, b) COS c)  PCMM

5.     Stock items are drawn in form No

b)    Requisition, b) issue ticket c) S 1302 d) S 1313

6.     How many stores depots are there in S Rly

b)    30  b) 41 c) 52

7.     How many tenders are there in Stores Branch

b)    3, b) 5, c) 7

8.     IMMS is

b)    Integrated material Management System b) International Material Management Software c) Indian railway material management software

9.     The Stores Tenders are digitized and

b)    Digital tenders b) computerized tender c) eTender

10. stores are debited to

b)    Suspense Head, b) Regular Head c) Revenue Head

11. How many workshops are there in Southern Railway

a)     6 b) 5, c) 7  

12. The workshop staff are covered under 

a)     WCA b) Payment of Wages act  c) Minimum wages act d) all the three

13. The attendance of workshop  employees are accounted through

a)     Attendance Register b) GA card system c) Job cards

14. APE is

 a)Asst Production Engineer b) Addl Production Engineer c) advance Production Engineer

     15. The head of each workshop is known as

            a) Chief Workshop  Engineer b) Chief Workshop Manager c) Chief Mechanical Engineer

            16. The workshop expenditure is recorded in

            a) Work Order System b) Revenue Allocation Register c) direct in Revenue Heads

     17.  The workshop Employees are eligible for Incentive

             a) Except non repair shops b) all workshop staff c) only artisans

     19. The workshop employees were used to be paid

            a) Cash payment B) Tubing System c) credited in Banks

     20. The major work in workshops is

           a) POH of locomotives, b) wagons c) carriages d) all the three



1.     The traffic earnings are accrued at

a). stations b) good sheds c) PRS d) IRCTC e)  all the above

  2.   The supervisory cadre in Traffic Accounts is

        a) SO (A) b) ISA c) TIA

  3.   The Passenger earnings is calculated on the basis of

        a) Millions of Passengers b) Millions of NTKM c) Millions of GTKM

  4.   The station earnings are remitted through

        a) TCC b) banks c) both

  5.   Railway earnings are remitted in

        a) IDBI  b) SBI c) RBI Nagpur

  6. Goods accounting is maintained in

       a) Madurai b) Tiruchchirappalli c) Chennai (MMC)

  7. Coaching accounting is maintained in ‘

       a) Madurai b) Tiruchchirappalli c) Chennai (MMC)

  8.  COIS is

       a) Commercial and Operating information System b) Coaching Operating Information system c) Commercial information system

 9.  FOIS is

      a) Freight Operating Information System b) Forwarding Information system c) Freight Operating Information software

10. The share of Passenger and Freight earnings of Southern Railway is

    a) 65:35 b) 35:65 c) 60:40




1.     Funds certification means

a)     Funds are provided b) funds are to be provided c) Funds exist in Budget

2.     Capital Railway works are carried out through

a)     Tenders b) work order c) contract d) both a & c

3.     The divisions of Finance Section are

a)     Expenditure and Establishment b) Expenditure only c) Establishment only

4.     The revision and enhancement of Imprest account needs

a)     Finance concurrence b) No need of concurrence c) none

5.     The tender documents are analyzed by

a)     Expenditure Section b) Bills Section c) Finance  Section

6.      EBR is

a)     Extra Budget Revenue b) Extra Budget Resource c) Earnings Budget Revenue

7.     IRCON is

a)     Indian Railway Construction b) Indian Railway Corporation c) Indian Reconstruction .   

8.     CAT is

a)     Central Administrative Tribal b) Central Administrative Tribunal c) Central Administrative Trade

9.     RCT is

a)     Railway Claims Tribunal b) Railway Court Tribunal c) Railway Court Tribune

10. How many organized services are there in Indian railways

a)     Seven b) nine c) 10

11. D O is

a)     Duty order b) Demi Official c) Demi Order

12. Financial Commissioner is selected from

a)     IRAS  b) IA&AS c) IRS



1.     CRIS       Centre for Railway Information System New Delhi

2.     IRIFM       Indian Railway Institute Of Finance Management Secunderabad

3.     CTARA    Centralized Training Academy for Railway Accounts Secunderabad

4.     IRITM      Indian Railway Institute of Transport Management Lucknow

5.     IRICEN    Indian Railway Institute Of Civil Engineering Pune      

6.     IRISET     Indian Railway Institute Of Signal Engineering And Telecommunication Secunderabad

7.     IRIMEE   Indian Railway Institute Of Mechanical And Electrical Engineering Jamalpur

8.     IRIEEN   Indian Railway Institute Of Electrical Engineering Nasik 

9.     DFCC      Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation

10. ConCor    Container Corporation of India



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