Thursday, June 2, 2016




Executive offices
Executive offices

Monthly letter from unit accounts office to executives

Format from the executive offices

Format from the unit accounts offices to HQ accounts office

Format from the HQ accounts offices to Unit accounts office

August review
Revised estimate
First modification
Final modification
Financial reviews
Finance code part 1

506 Revenue Expenditure-The revised and budget estimates of ordinary working expenses submitted by the General Manager to the Railway Board are based on detailed-estimates of revenue expenditure obtained by him from the various heads of departments of the railway.  On receipt of the allotment from the Railway Board, these detailed estimates may require modification consistent with the allotment sanctioned by the Railway Board or as may be deemed necessary by the General Manager.

507  Within the amounts of the allotments fixed by General Manager under paragraphs 365 and 506 for the various spending authorities in charge of divisions and departments, such authorities have full power to sanction expenditure on revenue account during the year, subject to the condition that the specific  sanction of the competent authority must be obtained separately to all items of expenditure on establishment and experimental or special temporary works where under rules or orders such sanction is necessary; in a case in which the General Manager has prescribed that detailed estimates should be prepared and administrative approval and technical sanction obtained before the incurrence  of  expenditure, the procedure laid down by the General Manager must be followed.

508      Proportionate Budget allotment:- For the purpose of carrying out a meaningful comparison of the actual working expenses for (and to end of) the month with the budget allotment, it is necessary to distribute the sanctioned allotment for the year over the twelve months after taking all known factors of disturbance or special features  into account.  While the responsibility for the control of expenditure against the budget allotment devolves upon the authority at whose disposal the allotment has been placed, it is the duty of the Accounts Officer, in his capacity as the financial adviser to the Administration, to render all possible assistance to the controlling authorities in the exercise of such control. Accordingly, he works out, at the beginning of each financial year, in consultation with the officers responsible for the control of expenditure, the estimated progressive expenditure under each sub head of a grant keeping in view the following factors:
(i)     Throw forward from the previous year.
(ii)    All expenditure whether in cash or by transfer, the liability for which already exists, but which is not likely to be distributed evenly during the year, whether because it is of a periodical nature, or because it is contingent on the receipt of supplies, or for any other reason.
(iii)   Expenditure which is practically fixed and evenly distributed throughout the year.
(iv)  Other expenditure which is likely to be incurred during the year but liabilities for  which have yet to be incurred.
(v)  The need to keep some amount as a reserve for meeting fresh or unanticipated expenditure.

509   In respect of sub-heads for which such detailed analysis is not practicable or necessary, may be, inter alia, because the expenditure does not fluctuate from month to month, i.e. establishment charges, past actuals as worked out for a number of years may form the basis for this estimate.

510      From the details thus worked out, the "Proportionate Budget Allotment" for each month is worked out for each sub-head of the Grant, and the progress of expenditure under each sub-head is then watched from month to month through Monthly Financial Reviews (see paras 511 & 513) in order to see that the expenditure is according to anticipations and not at a pace  which is likely to lead to an excess at the end of the year.

511      Monthly Statement of Approximate Receipts and Expenditure -- A statement of approximate receipts and expenditure under such heads as may be prescribed  should be sent to the Railway Board so as to  reach them not later than the l5th of the month following that to which the figures relate except for the months of July, October and January in which case the statement may be sent not later than 20th  of  the following month to which the figures relate.  The merit of this statement lies in supply of information promptly to the Railway Board for the purpose of watching the expenditure against the proportionate budget allotment.  The monthly statements will, on receipt from the various railways, be consolidated in the Railway Board's office  An one single statement for all the railways.  A copy of the consolidated statement should also be furnished to the Ministry of Finance of the Government of India and the Accountant General, Central Revenues, in the first week of the second month following that to which it pertains.
512  Revenue Allocation Registers -- All revenue expenditure is to be recorded in Registers, which are known as Revenue Allocation Registers, by the various heads of accounts prescribed in the classification given in Appendix I (Volume II).  The object of these registers is to keep the heads of divisions, and departments informed of the progress of expenditure against the allotments placed at their disposal by the General Manager, which should be entered in red ink in the appropriate columns provided for in these registers, so as to form a ready means of comparison and check with the outlay.

513 Monthly Financial Reviews --The monthly reviews show the expenditure to the end of the previous month, against the allotment  placed at the disposal of the controlling authorities under each sub-head of the grant for which they are responsible.  The review should be prepared in Form No. 513 and submitted to the controlling authorities every month, by such date as may be fixed in consultation with them.

                                                                                                                        Form No. F. 513
sub-heads of grant and heads of account.
Budget allotment for 1974-75
budget allotment
To end of June, 1974
Actual expenditure to end of June, 1974
Actual expenditure  to end of June, 1973
Expenditure upto June-1974 more (+)  or  less (-)
as compared with column-3
as compared with column-5

Note-the periods have been shown in the proforma for the purpose of Illustration only.

514      The "Proportionate Budget Allotment" to the end of the month (column 3) is worked out by the Accounts Officer in accordance with the Instructions contained in paragraph 508 above. The figures of actual expenditure for and to end of the month (column 4), and for the corresponding period of the last year (col.5) will be available from the Allocation Registers and the compiled accounts.  The Accounts Officer should complete the other columns of the review provided above and submit it to the controlling authority, along With the comments of the executive officers responsible for the expenditure and with such remarks of his own as may be necessary.

515      In compiling this review, the Accounts Officer should see whether-
                (a)   the non-fluctuating expenditure is in accordance with the monthly appropriation as worked out on the basis of actuals in past years,
               (b)    the periodical expenditure is in accordance with the proportionate budget allotment,
              (c)     the correlation assumed between receipts and expenditure, in the preparation of the budget is maintained. For the purposes of this comparison, items pertaining to      the period, but remaining unadjusted for any reason, should not be lost sight of.

516      The Monthly Financial Reviews, should be prepared by the Divisional / Workshop / Construction Accounts officers concerned for each Division/Workshop/Construction Unit and the Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer should arrange for the consolidation of these reviews into the Monthly Financial Review for the railway, the details of procedure and the due dates being prescribed in consultation with the railway administration.

517  Re-appropriations --No liability, for which a provision does not exist or the provision for which is inadequate in the allotment sanctioned by the General Manager, should be incurred  unless the necessary funds can be obtained either by reappropriation or fresh allotment.

Such liabilities may, however, be liquidated provisionally, if otherwise in order, on the spending authority undertaking to find the requisite funds.  All such expenditure should, however, be held by the Account Officer under objection "for want of appropriation " or as-" excess over appropriation."
518      The Accounts Officer should advise the spending authorities about reappropriations wherever needed, and how they are to be made.  He should ensure that reappropriations are carried out promptly and that whenever a saving under some head is reasonably certain, steps are taken at once to withdraw funds from the sub-head, and whenever it is clear that-the progress of expenditure under some head is such as to require an additional appropriation, steps are taken to arrange for it by reappropriation or otherwise.


519      Separate allotments are placed at the disposal of railway administrations under each Grant for expenditure on works chargeable to Capital, Depreciation Reserve Fund, Development Fund, Accident Compensation, Safety and Passenger Amenities fund Open Line Works Revenue. These allotments are made in lump sums and their distribution over the various sub-heads and over the works for which they are intended are spelt out in the 'Works, Machinery and Rolling Stock Programmes' which are furnished to the railways along with the Budget orders sanctioning the allotments.  These “Programmes”  also show, in the case of work costing over Rs 50,000 each, the total estimated cost of each work, and the Railway administrations are required to exercise a control over expenditure, not only against the allotment  sanctioned for the year for each work, but also against its total estimated cost as shown in the 'Programmes'.   In regard to works costing not more than Rs. 50,000 each, a lump sum is allotted to each railway administration in the programmes before any expenditure is incurred against the lump sum allotment, the estimates of such works should be sanctioned by the General Manager or any lower authority empowered by him in this behalf.  Thus the control of expenditure on railway is exercised through--

            (1)     the-preparation, in advance, of estimates of the expenditure to be incurred.
(2)     the allotment of funds through budget Grants for the year, on the basis of these 
     estimates ; and
(3)      the continuous and concurrent review of the expenditure as incurred against the    
details of the estimates and against the sanctioned grants, so that revisions of estimates or re-appropriation of funds are arranged for at the earliest possible point of time.

The procedure to be followed in controlling expenditure against estimates is detailed in Chapter XIV and XII of the Indian Railway Code for the Engineering and Mechanical Departments, respectively.

520  Watch over Progress of Expenditures --From the moment expenditure or liability is incurred on works, a check at regular and frequent intervals should be made on its progress, both against estimates and against funds.  The check should originate in the lowest executive unit, viz., a division.

Note.-Estimates are prepared for New Minor Works costing over Rs. 5,000 each which are chargeable to "Open Line Works--Revenue".  The provisions in paragraph 521 et seq apply equally to such works.

521      The Works Registers (Form No. E. 1474) maintained in each division enable a running comparison to be made between-
(a)       the expenditure incurred on each work and the detailed provision made in the       estimate for the work, and
(b)            the budget allotment for the work and the actual expenditure to the end of the month.
 The executive officer should examine the works registers monthly or at more frequent intervals, and watch the progress of expenditure on each work, so that any tendency towards excess over sanctioned estimates may be investigated and curbed, or fresh administrative and technical sanctions obtained in time to  cover the anticipated, excess.                                

522      The Accounts Officer should also watch the progress of expenditure on works on the lines laid down in paragraphs 523 to 533 and advise the executive officers as to the need of re-appropriations, whenever such necessity arises (vide paragraph 518).

523      In watching the progress of expenditure on works, the Accounts Officer should see whether-
            (a) the expenditure up to any date is not in excess of the estimate for the quantum of work done;
            (b) the anticipated credits have actually been realized
            (c)   all adjustments are made in time   and
            (d) expenditure on any new work is not met by merely postponing or retarding the progress of sanctioned work.

524      Review of Expenditure --The Accounts Officer should prepare every month two reviews, one by sub-heads/Plan Heads of the Grant and the other by individual works, and present them to the authorities concerned by such dates as may be fixed in consultation with them.

525      The review of expenditure chargeable to Capital, Depreciation Reserve Fund, Development Fund, Accident Compensation, Safety & Passenger Amenities Fund and Open Line Works-Revenue, by sub-heads/Plan Heads of the Grant, should be prepared monthly by the Accounts Officer in Form No. F. 525.
Form No. F. 525
                                    Review showing, Progress of Expenditure chargeable to Capital, Depreciation Reserve Fund, Development Fund, Accident Compensation, Safety and Passenger Amenities Fund and Open Line Works-Revenue to end of-------------------- 

Department          --------------------           Office-----------------------

                                                                                                     (Figures in thousands of rupees)
Sub-Head/ Plan Head Grant No. 16
Budget Allotment for the year
Total Estimates Sanctioned during  the Year

Approximate Expenditure to End of June 1979
O.L.W. (R)
ACS & PA Fund

Percentage  of Expenditure to allotment  (Col.9/ Col. 2 X 100)
Percentage  of Expenditure to allotment  of the corresponding period of last year
Reasons for variations between Cols. 10  & 11  and brief remarks as to rate of Progress of expenditure


Date.  -------------------------

Signature    ------------------------------------------
Designation  -----------------------------------------

                        The quarterly reviews for period ending June, September and December may be sent to the Board by 25th of the second following month to which the figures relate.  The review for the period ending  March, will be sent to the Board by 6th August, each year.

            Reasons for variations and brief remarks as to the rate of progress of expenditure to be indicated in column 12 of the Form, should be meaningful and should he recorded in consultation with the spending authorities.

526 The review of expenditure by works should be prepared in Form No. F. 526

                                                                                                               Form No.  F.-526
Description of the work and sub-head / plan head.
Amount of sanctioned estimate
Expenditure to end of previous year
Balance of estimate.
Budget allotment for the Year

Expenditure during the current year.
Commitments neither paid for nor included in the approximates for the month

Total expenditure and commitments to end of the month [ Col. 6(iii) + 7 ]
Actuals to end of previous month
Approximate for the month
Total expenditure to end of the month
6 (i)
6 (ii)
6 (iii)

Probable further outlay to complete.
Deduct estimated throw forward to next year.
Total expenditure and commitments to be paid for in the year (cols.   8+9-10)
Balance of allotment available(5-11)


Date.  -------------------------

Signature    ------------------------------------------
Designation  -----------------------------------------
527      The above review of expenditure on individual works chargeable to Capital or Capital and Depreciation Reserve Fund, or Development Fund, or Accident Compensation, Safety and Passenger Amenities Fund, or Open Line Works-Revenue, information should be classified under each sub-head/Plan head of the grant, viz.-

11.       New Lines (Construction).
12.       Purchase of new lines.
13.       Restoration of dismantled lines.
14.       Gauge conversion.
15.       Doubling.
16.       Traffic facilities-Yard remodelling and others.
21.       Rolling stock.
            31.       Track renewals.
32.       Bridge work.
33.       Signalling & Tele-communication works.
34.       Taking over of line wires from P & T.
35.       Electrification Projects.
36.       Other electrical works.
41.       Machinery & Plant.
42.       Workshops-including Production Units.
51.        Staff quarters.
52.       Amenities for staff.
53.       (i)        Passenger Amenities.
                        (ii)       Other Railway Users' amenities.
61.       Investment in Government Commercial undertakings-Road services.
62.       Investment in Government Commercial undertakings-Public undertakings.
64.       Other specified works.
71.       Stores suspense.
72.       Manufacturing suspense.
73.       Misc.  Advances.
81.       Metropolitan Transport Projects.

528      The review of expenditure on new lines (construction) should show the Information in regard to each construction shown in the "Works, Machinery and Rolling Stock Programme" for the current year or for which, though not so shown, there is a 'throwforward'.

529      In the case of works, other than track renewals and rolling stock, the review should be made in respect of-

(i)              (i)           each individual work estimated to cost over rupees one lakh shown in the      Works, Machinery and Rolling Stock Programme for the current year, or for which though   not so shown, there is a 'throwforward'.

(ii)            (ii)          all works costing not more than rupees one lakh each, whether in progress or     new, not as individual works but as one item for the total of such works, including the   ‘throwforwards'.  If the General Manager so directs, the review should show in detail each  item of work for which an estimate has been sanctioned.

530      In regard to track renewals, the review should show each item of work for which a separate estimate has been sanctioned by the competent authority.

531      As regards Rolling Stock, each individual item shown in the Works, Machinery and Rolling Stock Programme for the current year or which, though not so shown, there is a 'throwforward' from the previous year, should be included in the review under the following detailed heads.-

(i)        Locomotives.
(ii)       Boilers.
(iii)      Carriages.
(iv)      Wagons.
 (v)      Ferries.

532  With a view to complete the review, the Information in regard to (a) the approximate expenditure for the month, (b) commitments which have neither been paid for nor included in the accounts for the month and (c) the amount of probable further outlay to complete the work (columns 6 (ii), 7 and 9 of Form No. F 526) should be obtained by the Accounts Officer from the controlling authorities concerned.

533      The figures of 'actuals' required for the review will be furnished to the concerned authorities by the Accounts Officer immediately after such figures are available.  The reviews should be completed by them in accordance with the instructions contained in paragraphs 525 to 531 and submitted to the Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer, so as to reach him by the middle of the month following that, to which they relate.

534      Control of Expenditure against the Capital Suspense Grant --The details of allotment placed at the disposal of railway administrations under the sub-beads/ Plan heads "Stores Suspense" and "Manufacture Suspense" under Grant NO. 16 are shown on the debit side of the statements of "Stores' Transactions" and "Manufacture Operations" included at the end of the "Works, Machinery and Rolling Stock Programme" furnished to the railway with the Budget Orders.  The details of anticipated credits under these suspense heads are shown on the credit side of the said statements.

535      The detailed manner in which the control over expenditure, against the funds allotted for purchases of stores under "Stores Suspense" should be carried out, is prescribed in paragraphs 505 to 507 and 2862 of the Indian Railway Code for the Stores Department.

536      Monthly Reviews of Suspense Grant --The progress of debits against the allotments sanctioned by the Railway Board under 'Stores Suspense' and 'Manufacture Suspense' and the credits in respect of these suspense heads anticipated to be adjusted in the accounts should be reviewed by the Accounts Officer in the form given below.--
            Form No. F. 536

          Review  of Expenditure under --------------------------------------Suspense to                       end of June-, 1975



                                        Actuals                                  Approximates to     Balance of Grant    Remarks as   To the
Sub/heads     Grant for    to end of      Approximates     end of June,            available                 rate of progress of
of Grant.        the year.     May, 1975.  for June, 1975.     1975.                    (col. 2-5)                expenditure.
      1                   2                3                  4                     5                                6                            7


537      The information in column 1 of the review should be given under all the sub and detailed heads appearing in the statements of 'Stores Transactions' and 'Manufacture Operations', referred to in paragraph 534. In column 7, the Accounts Officer should furnish the comments on the progress of actual debits as compared with the sanctioned allotment and credits as anticipated.

538      The attention of the General Manager should be drawn to the progress of debits and credits, if it shows any necessity for the curtailment of the programme of purchases.  Debits and credits may be sub-divided by the more important items of stores, if the railway administration so require, in order to regulate purchases.

539      Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer's Review of monthly Receipts and Expenditure --The reviews in respect of Working Expenses, Capital, Depreciation Reserve Fund, Development Fund, Accident Compensation, Safety and Passenger Amenities Fund and Open Line Works Revenue Expenditure and Capital Suspense, as well as similar reviews of the earnings of the railway, should be consolidated by the Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer in suitable form and presented to the General Manager monthly in the shape of a "Financial Review" for the whole railway before the conclusion of the second month following that to which the review relates. The explanations given for the variations between the expenditure of the year and the actuals for the corresponding period of the previous year should be as meaningful as possible, and the Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer should indicate what in his opinion are the conclusions to be drawn from the figures.


541  Importance and limitations of Exchequer Control --Para. 539 requires the compilation of a 'Financial Review' wherein the earnings and expenses of each Railway Administration up to the end of every month are compared to the proportionate sanctioned budget and variances explained.  However, as the figures of actual receipts and expenses for a month are available only in the first or second week of the second following month, there is a time lag of 6 to 8 weeks between incurrence of expenditure or realization of earnings and their review with the proportionate budget.  The reason for the time lag is that while cash disbursements and receipts are accounted for immediately, book adjustments between one accounting unit/Railway Administration and another take a great deal more time ; the books of account for a month are, therefore, kept open for a longer period to accommodate such 'book adjustments'.  As 'cash' forms, on an average about 70% of the total expenditure of a Railway,  Exchequer Control has the merit of providing an effective means of monitoring a substantial part of the expenditure on a day-to-day basis.
542      Since the budgetary allocations are sanctioned only for expenditure, Exchequer Control mechanism is necessarily limited in scope to the control of cash outgo.  Railway earnings are thus excluded from the purview of Exchequer Control but are subject to usual examination through the monthly financial reviews as well as the icurring scrutiny of cash remittances from stations and of Bank advices.

543      Even though Exchequer Control was originally envisaged as control of cash outgo by instituting drawing limits on the banks, it has been considered neither necessary nor practicable to introduce such a measure. Each Railway Administration operates a large number of bank accounts (in some cases as many as 100 or more) for facilitating payments.  Further, these drawing accounts are operated by a large number of disbursing officers. It would, therefore, not be feasible to prescribe drawing limits for each bank account in favour of each disbursing officer.  Exchequer Control, therefore, implies a self-imposed expenditure discipline by means of a system of day-to-day monitoring to ensure that the cash content of the budgetary allocations is not exceeded.

544      Railway budgetting is on 'gross' basis. i. e., Parliamentary approval is obtained for gross' expenditure, ignoring the credits/recoveries which are 'Outside the scope of the Demands for Grants.  The actual cash against each budget Demand is also gross', since credits/recoveries are usually effected through 'book adjustments' or receipts of cash.  Further, the sanctioned budget grants involve a certain amount of overlap, e. g., funds for purchase of stores are sanctioned under Demand 16, but when the purchased stores are utilized for (say) maintenance and operation, budget allocations are also provided under  Demands 4 to 10 etc.  Cash outgo is, however, involved only at the first point of activity, i. e., when stores are purchased and paid for, and the 'overlap' is represented in railway accounts through 'book  adjustments'.

545      Implementation of Exchequer Control.- Implementation of Exchequer Control involves the following steps.-

(i) Correct assessment of the 'Cash' and 'adjustment' portions of the sanctioned annual budget under each Demand by each Disbursing Officer, and also the cash disbursement in respect of 'non-budget' items e. g. refund of fares and freight.
            (ii)   As accurate an assessment as possible of the quarterly requirement of cash,
            (iii)  Issue of quarterly/monthly cash authorization to Disbursing Officers, and
            (iv) Concurrent control of cash outgo by each Disbursing Officer.

546      Assessment of Cash Outgo-General Guidelines -- Broad guidelines for making a realistic estimate of the 'cash' and 'adjustment' portions of expenditure falling within the sanctioned budget as well as in respect of 'non-budget items' are given in Annexure III.  'Adjustments' may involve transactions between two or more accounting units within the same Railway Administration or between one Railway Administration and another or between a railway and a non-railway administration.  For example, as stated in para 544, issue of maintenance stores from stock will involve book adjustment by transfer from 'Stores Suspense' under Demand No. 16 to the final head under Demands No. 4 to 7. Likewise, in the case of contracts where one Railway Administration is nominated as the paying authority for supplies to be despatched to consignees on other railways, the disbursements by the former will involve cash out go, but would appear as 'adjustments' in the books of the consignee railways.  The assessment of cash and adjustment portions of the expenditure must, therefore, be made very carefully by each Railway Administration strictly in accordance with the guidelines given in Annexure III. As a further check on the reasonableness of the bifurcation between cash and adjustment, comparison with the corresponding figures of the previous year (s) would also be useful.

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