Monday, April 23, 2012


with due acknowledgement to Shri Nagarajan Sr SO/CN/MAS

Project Appraisal

1)      Introduction:

i)        Project appraisals are highly necessary at the present financial position of IR where resources are becoming scarce and demand from various sections of the society are more.

ii)      Any commercial undertaking will attempt project evaluation methods to budget their capital expenditure for the following:
(a)    Expansion of operation
(b)   Diversification of operations
(c)    Replacement/Renewals
(d)   Research and Development

2)      Need for project appraisal:

i)        Involvement of large sums of money
ii)      Involvement of greater amount of risk on account of unforeseen situations
iii)    Irreversibility once investment Decision is made
iv)    Appraisals facilitate the identification of relatively superior proposals.

3)      Project report:

i)        Project report not only projects financial data related to outflows and inflows but also a meticulous traffic survey exercise for a New line, GC and Doubling/Augmentation of line capacity works to enhance the rly working
ii)      Traffic potential, existing and anticipated
iii)    Traffic Density present and future volumes
iv)    Technical feasibility
v)      Financial viability

4)      Definition

i)        Detailed study of traffic conditions of an area
ii)      Assessment of Traffic prospects
iii)    Financial implication

5)      Objective of Traffic survey

i)        Estimate of total traffic likely to be generated in the foreseeable future with special reference to the catchments area
ii)      Inter-0model allocation of total streams of Traffic between rail and other modes of Transport
iii)    Computation of earnings and working expenses for each year of the economic life of the project which is taken as 30 years
iv)    Appraisal based on annual cash flows and application of Discounted cash flow method (DCF)
v)      Minimum yield of rate of return of 10%

6)      Filed work

i)        Fixing of most suitable alignment for the proposed rail line in close collaboration with Engineering team
ii)      Collection of data from various sources like local bodies, prominent citizens, business community, Transport authorities, Industrialists, chamber of commerce of the alignment region and catchment areas.

7)      Data to be collected

i)        No. of bus trips (from Transport sector), plying on the alignment and its catchment area, occupancy, running time, fare structure and other road vehicles
ii)      Bus traffic during festival days and national Holidays
iii)    Assessment of passenger preference for Rail mode
iv)    Tourism and tourist prospects
v)      Local area profile from Panchayat/Municipal bodies
vi)    Educational institutions, banking and hospital facilities
vii)  Agricultural/mineral resources generated from the alignment section
viii)            Existing industrial scenario and anticipated development of industries on the alignment and catchment area
ix)    Plans for economic development of the area by the local/central Govt.            

8)      Estimate of passenger traffic & earnings

i)        Diversion from road to rail mode based on existing trends and pattern
ii)      Propensity of the traveling public for rail mode due to competitive rail fare
iii)    Travel time, comfort and safety
iv)    Travel pattern based on importance of places of travel
v)      Travel pattern based on importance of places of travel
vi)    Earnings at current rail tariff level

9)      Estimate of freight traffic and earnings

i)        Existing goods traffic pattern both inwards and outwards on the alignment region
ii)      Requirement of specific commodities for specific needs
iii)    Trading & commercial centers on the alignment
iv)    Industries on the alignment
v)      Incremental traffic from existing rail goods shed due to increasing trend in traffic volumes over years
vi)    Addl. new goods traffic for existing/coming up industries
vii)  Addl. Traffic  in foreseeable future as diversion from existing road net work
viii)            Mineral wealth and additional traffic from mines if any
ix)    Port development, if any, on the alignment region
x)      Rail transport clearance from Railway Board
xi)    Earnings estimated from origination to destination point of movement of goods tfc. Using latest freight tariff

10)  Passenger traffic Working expenses

i)        Based on the traffic assessed running of passenger/express trains are determined for rake composition, trips
ii)      A check list is prepared to arrive at facets like train km, vehicle km, vehicle days and gross tonne km
iii)    Based on the checklist and applying the various cost elements from unit cost, working expenses is worked out.  General OH charges, central charges are added to the working as a percentage.  The total working expenses is further escalated to the present level by applying escalation factor given by the Board

11)  Assessment of goods traffic working expenses

i)        Terminal services cost
(a)    Cost of documentation and cost of other terminal expenses per wagon (in terms of units)
(b)   Cost of marshalling per wagon per yard handled (in terms of units
(c)    Cost of provision and maintenance of carrying units per wagon day(based on wagon turn round)
ii)      Line haul services cost
(a)    Cost of traction per 1000GTKM (depending on traction)
(b)   Cost of other transportation services including cost for train passing staff per 1000 GTKM
(c)    Cost of provision and maintenance of track & signaling per 1000GTKM
iii)    After computing total working expenses, general OH and central charges as a % of cost is added
iv)    78.5% of operations and maintenance and cost over existing rail system is also added to the project working expenses
v)      The total cost of working expenses is escalated to the current level of survey with escalation factor furnished by the board.

12)  Estimate of net earnings

i)        Gross working expenses arrived both for coaching and goods traffic assessed is deducted from gross earning to compute net earnings

13)  Assessment of Rolling stock and investment

i)        Requirement of rolling stock like coaches, VPUs and locos for running the proposed passenger/express trains is assessed utilizing train km., trips/rakes,

ii)      Rly. Bd. Statistical elements pertaining to Zonal Rly is made use of.  The current cost of rolling stock from Pink Book (Rolling stock Programme) is used for working out investment.
iii)    Requirement of Rolling stock like wagons and locos for running the proposed goods tfc. is assessed utilizing net tonne km., train km., Engine km., and engine usage.  Railway Board statistical elements pertaining to Zonal Rly is made use of the current cost of rolling stock from Pink Book (Rolling stock programme) is used for working out investment.

14)  Savings

i)        On GC Surveys, in addition to addl. tfc. Assessed, savings in the different operational & maintenance cost between MG & BG systems is to be reckoned
ii)      Savings due to avoidance of transshipment cost on GC works also computed
iii)    Savings in operations cost due to shorter lead of the project section, if any will also be credited duly debiting the loss in earnings if any
iv)    Savings on engine hours and wagon hours due to elimination of detention enroute on single line section is also reckoned while working out financial appraisals for Dlg/Augmentation surveys.

15)  Engineering estimate

i)        Engineering estimate includes civil, signal telecommunication and electrical (g) , OHE cost, wherever proposed is also debited.
ii)      Credit on released railway material is credited wherever applicable

16)  Terminal value of assets

i)        The life of any rail project is reckoned as 30 years for financial appraisal purpose.  The value of physical assets of different categories outliving the project life of 30 years is also computed and credited at appropriate years.  Replacement cost for the assets which expires before the life of the project is debited at appropriate years.

17)  Financial appraisal

i)        Fin. Appraisal on Rly. Projects are undertaken using the DCF method
ii)      This method is more scientific since it takes into account the real time value of money
iii)    It also takes into a/c realistic earnings, cash expenditure and accurable savings
iv)    IRR is done under DCF technique which gives max. ROR possible from a project a given cash flow wherein the rate of discount is located by interpolation for bringing NPV (Net present value) = Zero


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