Types of tenders
1. Open tender system: This is the best means considered so as to secure the best value possible for the money spent as it require calling for the tenderers by public advertisement in the most open and public manned possible. Advantage of this system is it’s more competitive nature and new firms will come-up. Its disadvantage is time taking.
2. Limited tender system: where for reasons which should be in the Public interest, it is considered not practicable or advantageous to call for open tenders. Limited tenders may be invited with the concurrence of FA&CAO and approval of the competent authority.
In openline Railways, the system of inviting tenders for works costing up Rs.40 lakhs each from amongst the contractors borne on the approved list may also be adopted when it is considered advantageous to do so, provided the number of contractors borne on the approved list for the particular type of work is not less than 10.
3. Special limited tenders: These may be invited from specialized and reputed contractors organizations and Agencies. Tenderers need not necessarily be borne on the approved list. Tenderers from whom special limited tenders are to be invited should preferably be more than six.
A proposal detailing the circumstances and necessity for going in for special limited tenders should be insisted and got concurred by FA&CAO before personal approval of the PHOD is obtained.
4. Single Tender system: Single tender is invited in cases where the work may be of
a complex or complicated type, and where the work should be under taken by a
particular Firm or concern or without delay.
This is awarded in the following situations:
i) Emergency situations like accidents, Breaches involving disclosure to traffic.
ii) Works of special nature and any other situation where GM personally considers it inescapable to call for single tender.
iii) Annual maintenance contract for equipment can be placed on single tenders basis on authorized dealers with the approval of additional GM of Railways.
5. Two pocket system of tendering: Here two pocket means two offers (as pockets). One is a ‘technical offer’ and the other is a ‘commercial offer’.
Two pocket system of tendering may be adopted in specially identified situations for obtaining consultancy services for highly technical works where parameters cannot be precisely pre defined or execution works which are either technically complicated or specialized in nature and which are executed very rarely.
1. Open tender system: This is the best means considered so as to secure the best value possible for the money spent as it require calling for the tenderers by public advertisement in the most open and public manned possible. Advantage of this system is it’s more competitive nature and new firms will come-up. Its disadvantage is time taking.
2. Limited tender system: where for reasons which should be in the Public interest, it is considered not practicable or advantageous to call for open tenders. Limited tenders may be invited with the concurrence of FA&CAO and approval of the competent authority.
In openline Railways, the system of inviting tenders for works costing up Rs.40 lakhs each from amongst the contractors borne on the approved list may also be adopted when it is considered advantageous to do so, provided the number of contractors borne on the approved list for the particular type of work is not less than 10.
3. Special limited tenders: These may be invited from specialized and reputed contractors organizations and Agencies. Tenderers need not necessarily be borne on the approved list. Tenderers from whom special limited tenders are to be invited should preferably be more than six.
A proposal detailing the circumstances and necessity for going in for special limited tenders should be insisted and got concurred by FA&CAO before personal approval of the PHOD is obtained.
4. Single Tender system: Single tender is invited in cases where the work may be of
a complex or complicated type, and where the work should be under taken by a
particular Firm or concern or without delay.
This is awarded in the following situations:
i) Emergency situations like accidents, Breaches involving disclosure to traffic.
ii) Works of special nature and any other situation where GM personally considers it inescapable to call for single tender.
iii) Annual maintenance contract for equipment can be placed on single tenders basis on authorized dealers with the approval of additional GM of Railways.
5. Two pocket system of tendering: Here two pocket means two offers (as pockets). One is a ‘technical offer’ and the other is a ‘commercial offer’.
Two pocket system of tendering may be adopted in specially identified situations for obtaining consultancy services for highly technical works where parameters cannot be precisely pre defined or execution works which are either technically complicated or specialized in nature and which are executed very rarely.
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