Departmental Registers
1468. Registers maintained in the Accounts Office. --With a view to facilitate the control of expenditure and
also to record, collect and abstract under the prescribed heads of
administrative accounts total outlay of the Railway, the following Registers
are required to be maintained by the Accounts Officer: --
(i) Revenue
Allocation Register (Form E.1469).
(ii) Register
of Works (Form E.1473).
(iii) Registers
of Capital, Depreciation Reserve Fund, Development Fund and Open Line
Works--Revenue Expenditure. (Form E.1480).
Each of the first two registers will be
maintained by months and every voucher after being passed in Accounts will be
posted in the register concerned in the appropriate column as regards
allocation. The fact that a voucher has been so posted will be noted on the
voucher. The up-to-date figures in the registers will enable the Accounts
Office to exercise necessary checks with reference to estimates and allotments.
The entries in the Revenue Allocation
Registers maintained in the Accounts Office shall be sub-divided as under:--
Cash; Transfers; Stores and sufficient space
should be left after each head for the entries which normally come under it.
Alternatively, separate registers may be maintained to record the expenditure
in these three divisions, in which case a separate summary will have to be
prepared to arrive at the total expenditure under the various heads of revenue
classification. The sanctions by heads of accounts as given in the
Authorization Rolls or the Distribution Statement of budget allotment should be
entered in red ink at the head of the several Abstracts so as to form a ready
means of comparison and check with the outlay and to admit of this being done
the grand total expenditure for each month will be deducted at the foot of the
abstract form ((Form E.1469); the
sanctioned amount and the balance thus arrived at will be carried forward in
red ink from month to month. At the end of the month when the Registers have
been totalled, the 'Cash' totals will be agreed with the debits to 'Demand
Payable' in the Monthly Classified Abstract of Cash transactions and a journal
slip will be prepared crediting 'Demand Payable' and debiting the various
Abstracts of the Revenue Accounts.
Form E.1469
(Abstract A to II.....and J to N)
For the month of ………...Allotment for the year
Particulars of
Detailed heads
of accounts as per Revenue Classifications and Demand heads
Grand Total
Serial No.
Rs. P.
Rs. P.
Rs. P.
Rs. P.
Rs. P.
Total for the month. ...................
And total to end of the.............…………
previous month.
Total to end of the. ...................
*In column 5 under Total should be posted
"Wages and Materials" or "Ordinary and Special" According
to the requirements of the rules.
Note:¾ The expenditure (other than on
Survey) under the major head 345-A/B policy formulation direction, research and
other miscellaneous Organisation should be recorded in separate register in
accordance with the prescribed classification.
1470. The
Registers (Form E.1469 for Abstract B.)
Maintenance of Permanent Way and
Works should be maintained for each Executive Division and for each branch line
worked under agreement. These registers may be kept by sub-divisions as well,
if the Executive Officers so desire, for the effective control of expenditure
against allotment. Expenditure on particular sections of the line may also be
separately booked in these Registers if such booking is needed for the proper
classification of expenditure or for any statistical or other purposes. At the end
of the month the totals of these Registers should be abstracted into a separate
sheet of the same Form E.1469 in order to arrive at the total outlay against
Abstract ‘B'.
1471. Reconciliation of Allocation Registers with General
The total expenditure in the
Registers should be verified each month with the debit to each Abstract in the
General Books and a certificate of examination and verification enfaced on the
register. The 'month' totals of each register should then be posted into the
yearly Registers month to month to provide the figures required for the
preparation of the Working Expenses' portion of the yearly Administrative
Capital and Revenue Accounts. Alternatively the up-to-date totals may be
brought forward in the Allocation Registers themselves.
(i) for
effecting control of expenditure on works with reference to estimates, by
facilitating comparison between the expenditure incurred on each work and the detailed
provision made in the estimate for work;
(ii) for
effecting budgetary control, by facilitating a comparison between the budget
allotment for the work and the actual expenditure to the end of the month; and
(iii) to
enable any material modification (see para 1109) occurring being spotted.
1473. Single sit of Works Register--Detailed Register of Works in Form E.1473 given below
should be kept for all sanctioned works including those chargeable to Revenue,
new minor work showing the amounts of estimates sanctioned. This register shall
be maintained in the Accounts Office both for open line and construction
Form E.1473
Name of work ...............
Authority ................…….
Capital........... .Rs. case……………Rs…………. Budget
allotment for the year
Fund.............................Rs. Stores..................
Rs. Original Estimate No…………..
Development Fund ..........................
Rs. Total ....................Rs. Revised
Estimate No....
Passenger Amenities Fund ...................
Open Line Works Revenue ................
Revenue ................. Rs.
Date of Commencement ..............
Date of Completion ..............
No. of voucher
Items of
Head of
Advance payment for supply of materials
Materials at site
Value of materials received in
advance of payment of contractor
Total charges
1474. This
register should show the amount of estimate sanctioned, the budget allotment
and details of expenditure on each work by heads of accounts and in addition
under sub-heads of estimates in case of track renewal works estimated to cost
Rs.3 lakhs and over and Rs.1 lakh and over In the case of other works. In this
register sub-heads of estimate estimated to cost less than Rs. 10,000 need not
be separately detailed, hut may be grouped together as may be found
convenient. The Register may be arranged by detailed heads of classification
(for works falling under the demand relating to creation and replacement of
assets) separate folios being set apart for each work. At the close of every
month the Register of Works should be totalled up and the monthly, yearly and
'up-to-date' totals for each work struck. The Register of Works should be
preserved for a period of 10 years.
1475. In posting the
Register of Works in the case of works, the accounts of which are kept by
sub-heads, the last column relating to each work will always show the 'total
charges', the last column but one will show value of materials received in
advance of payment 'to contractors', the last column but two will show the
value of the 'materials-at-site' and the last column but three will Show ‘advance
payment for supply of materials'. In the Ease of works, the accounts of which
are not kept by sub-heads (Form E.1479), the value of 'Materials-at-site' need
not be separately shown but the value of materials received in advance of
payment to contractor and advance payment for supply of materials, if any
should be shown in all cases.
1476. Value of materials received in advance of payment to
contractors.--When the materials are
received before payments have been made, such transactions should be credited
to a separate suspense head "Value of materials received in advance of
payment to contractors" in the Register of Works under the head of account
that will record a major part of the cost of work, the credit under
the suspense head should be cleared as and when payment is made.
A Subsidiary Register for all purchase orders for such items should be
maintained work wise by the Accounts Office and entries on credit side should
be made under the initials of sub-head/Section Officer (Accounts) from the
Receipt Note Part III received duly evaluated from Executive Officers concerned
in terms of para 739-S. Receipt Notes
should simultaneously be posted in Works Registers by debit to
'materials-at-site account/final head' and contra credit to 'value of materials
received in advance of payment to contractors' referred to above. All payments
chargeable to this head should be made after being posted on the debit side in
the subsidiary register under the initials of the Controlling Officer. The
balances in the subsidiary register should be reconciled monthly with those in
the Works Registers.
Thus, for stares purchased for specific works the transactions will not
find a place in the Stores budget under this procedure. Arrangements should,
however, be made to ensure that the total figures of purchases during a year
for specific works which do not pass through Stores Account are available with
the Railways for statistical purposes etc.