E-Recon application is meant only for “Transfer
Transactions” viz., outward debit / credit and inward debit / credit
between Railways, Divisions and Unit Accounts Offices. “Other Than Transfer Transactions” viz., preparation of JVs on
account of erroneous allocations, outturn JVs pertaining to Home Railways, JVs
on RSP debits and credits, etc., shall continue to be dealt with only in AFRES.
transactions fall under two categories namely “Cash” and “Adjustment”. Cash
transactions originate through CO7s wherein transfer divisional allocations
were fed on account of expenditure incurred or recoveries effected on behalf of
other Railways/Divisions /Unit Accounts Offices, which will subsequently be
transferred to the respective units. Adjustment transactions originate through
JVs whereby the debits / credits on account of works carried out in our
workshops, material assistance rendered on requisition, CRRMs, etc., for other
Railways/Divisions /Unit Accounts Offices raised against the respective units.
for “Cash transactions”, Books section, at the beginning of every month,
downloads both debits and credits pertaining to other Railways/Divisions /Unit
Accounts Offices booked in the CO7s and uploads in the E-Recon application. The
respective sections may therefore directly go to “Generate outward
Transactions” appearing at the left pane under the “Outward TC” heading and
generate the TDs / TCs accordingly. As for “Adjustment transactions”, the
sections concerned have to enter the details of both debits and credits to be
raised under the “Manual voucher entry heading” and then go to “Generate outward Transactions heading” to
generate necessary TDs / TCs.
The existing procedure as per the Code:
the INDIAN RAILWAY ACCOUNTS CODE PART I deals with the transfer transactions as
well as remittance transactions.
401. Transactions between the Railway Ministry and
other ministries or States which are settled through the Central Accounts
Section of the Reserve Bank are referred to in this Code as "Remittance
The transactions between the Railway Ministry and
the Pay and Accounts Officers which are settled through the issue of cheques or
Government drafts are referred to as "Pay & Accounts"
All inter railway transactions are technically known
as "Transfer Transactions" and are referred to as such in this code.
402. Settlement of transactions. -As a general rule
all transactions between two different accounting units in the same railway or
between two railways (excluding company worked railways) should be settled by
book adjustment (i. e. not by actual payment or recovery of cash).
403. In the case of transactions between two
accounting units of the same railway or between two railways (excluding company
worked railways) debits by unit "A" or railway "A" to unit
"B" or railway "B" are set off against credits by
"B" to "A" in the Central Books of the Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer
or of the Railway Board. In the case of transactions enumerated as exceptions
in para 402 between the Railway Ministry and other Ministry or a State, the net amounts due to or from the ministry or State
are debited and credited to the "Railway Fund" (see para 417 in the
central books of the Reserve Bank).
405. Transfers within the Railway-Transfers
Divisional- The transactions arising in the accounts of one accounting unit
which are adjustable in the accounts of another should be transferred to the
latter by operating on the head "Transfers, Divisional". Separate sub-heads should be allotted to each
Accounting unit. A railway having divisions A. B, C, etc. besides Stores and
Workshop Divisions, should operate on the following heads :-
Transfers, Divisional A-for Division A
(b) Transfers, Divisional B-for Division B
Transfers, Divisional C-for Division C
Transfers, Divisional Stores for Stores Accounts, Office.
Transfers, Divisional Workshops-for workshops Accounts Office.
Transfers, Divisional Books-for the Central Accounts office.
(g) Transfers
construction-for Construction Accounts Office.
406. Transfer Certificates- Transfers between any
two accounting units within the same
railway should be effected by means of Transfer Certificates (A. 406) The unit
initiating transfer should prepare the Transfer Certificates (A.406) in
duplicate, send one copy duly supported by the initial accounts records or
vouchers in which the details of the transactions are set forth to the unit to
which the transaction pertains and retain the other copy as the office copy.
Inter-Railway Transfers .-All transfer transactions between Railways
(excluding Railways worked by Company or District Boards ) will be adjusted by
means of Transfer Certificates. In the books of the responding Railway, the
adjustment in respect of a transfer transaction will always be by per contra
credit or debit, as the case may be, and not by minus debit or minus credit.
With this difference, and the procedure in regard to the acceptance of Transfer
Certificates indicated in sub para below, the rules laid down in paragraphs
406-411 should be followed mutates mutandis in inter-railway transfers also.
The same procedure will apply in the case of transfers between a Railway and
the Railway Board or units such as the Chittaranjan Locomotive Works, Integral
Coach Factory, Metropolitan Transport Projects etc. Transfer Certificates for
inter railway transactions should be issued or accepted only by the Central
Accounts Office of the railway, inter-railway transactions originating in a
subordinate accounting unit of a railway being passed on in
"transfers" to the Central Accounts Office for issuing Transfer Certificates
against other railways. The detailed procedure to be followed in this respect
will be laid down by the Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer.
The e-Recon
is a web based program introduced w.e.f 01/04/2011 by Railway Board. This
program has been exclusively formulated to process all the transfer
transactions between Railways, Divisions and Unit Accounts Offices through on
line duly dispensing with the exchange of TD/TCs by the respective Railways /
Divisions at the meetings conducted for this purpose. Under this program, the
TD/TCs raised by the source unit can be viewed, accepted and accounted for by
the destination unit in a very short span of time.
Salient features:
Generation of TD/TC on cash items is made
simple by downloading the cash data from AFRES and uploading in this program.
Generation of TD/TC on non-cash items is
also made simple by just entering only the key information of the debit / credit proposed to be raised.
The vouchers required to be sent are
scanned, converted as PDF files and attached with the respective TD/TCs.
After the attachment process is over,
the TD/TCs are approved by the Source Unit.
Immediately after the approval, the
destination units can view the TD/TC in the systems available in their unit.
If the destination units confirm that
the debit / credit pertains to their units, the TD/TC gets accepted and the
subsequent JV prepared and approved for their accountal in General Books.
1. Delay
in accepting the TD/TCs by the destination unit is considerably avoided.
2. Simultaneous
accounting of debit and credit by both source and destination units by
preparing JVs on both sides.
3. Since
reasons for rejection of an inward TD/TC are recorded and the rejection of
outward TD/TC be immediately known to the Source unit, the source unit can take
necessary rectification processing such as requisite information to be passed
on the rejected unit or raising of TD/TC to some other correct unit.
Suggestions /
All the transfer divisional allocations
used in the Indian Railways have to be made available in the system. Since the
non-availability of some of the allocations viz., 00878225, 00878237, 00878251,
00878253, 00878257, 00878258, etc., leads to preparation of JVs on AFRES
Some allocations such as 21219907, 05914
35, etc., are not accepted by this system. This also leads to preparing JVs on
Since the program follows the strict
schedule dates i.e. TD cannot be prepared after the last date for generation of
TD, necessary provisions may be made available to withdraw the rejected outward
debit/credit and re-issue in the following month.
The particulars of JV are not downloaded
from the E-Recon program. As such, the details of E-Recon JVs cannot be known
when the Extraction of allocation for a transfer divisional allocation is read
Thus the e-Recon is a boon to maintain the transfer
transactions efficiently, accurately, quickly and within target dates. Further,
it has reduced the unavoidable travelling of staff/ documents from one
accounting unit to another involving payment of DA/TA etc. It has eliminated
the oft-met problem of “voucher missing hence TC/TD not accepted”.
Form A. 406
……………….. Railway/Office
No. ……………………..
A sum of Rs………….. has *been debited/credited to……………….. by credit/debit
to …………. Division/Railway as per particulars detailed on reserve in the
accounts for the months of …………… 19. The necessary vouchers, as detailed
against each item in support of the *charge/credit are enclosed. Vouchers for
item ………………………. cannot be sent as they contain other charges/credits and it is
certified that these *charges/credits have been checked in accordance with the
rules in force.
Forwarded with…………… vouchers/enclosures
to…………Division/Railway for acceptance and advice.
For Accounts
Officer …………………
Cut here
____________________________________________________Cut here
Reference: ……………………………………………………. Division/Railway's
T. C.
No……………….. ………… Dated………………….
Certified that a sum of Rs………. has been accepted as
*debit/credit to the ………………………. Division/Railway and adjusted accordingly in
the accounts for the month of………………………….. No………… ……………….. Date………………..
Forwarded to……………….. Division/Railway for
information. …………………
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