Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Monday, February 27, 2012



q  as an accountant he should check arithmetical accuracy of all vouchers fully and compile the accounts of the divn in accordance with the prescribed rules and form the data supplied to him by the sub divns
q  As representative of A/c dept he should apply all the checks which is normally applied in the A/c office to the initial a/cs vouchers and other documents
q  As financial assistant,  he should assist the executive in matters relating to a/c s , budget estimates and to the operation of  financial rules generally
q   the relation between the DEN and D A is that of a Sub divisional officer and the DEN. The DEN is supposed to consult the DA in all matters involving a/cs,. Finance or budget. The DEN should see that the DA is given fullest opportunity of becoming conversant with all sanctions and orders, estimates and proposals. 

The DA is considered as the head of the office establishment of the DEN. While checking accounts and returns whenever the DA finds any irregularity, he should bring to the notice of DEN. 

If DEN differs from the views of DA he records his orders and the same should be carried out. In such cases DA should maintain a register as DA’s Internal Check Register and enter the same with full details in the register and obtain the remarks of DEN therein. This register is put up to any visiting officer for information

The DA should not however, be made responsible for any cash transaction except emergent cases not exceeding four months.
The DA should maintain cordial relationship not only with DEN but also with all other sub divisional officers and also educate the office staff and subordinates about proper maintenance of records, submission of accounts returns, preparation of budget etc

In the open line divisions also a SO (Works) is posted under the DEN designated as Works Accountant. The functions are the same as DA. However, he is not considered as he head of divisional works branch but will be the head of works accounts section. 

The DA is considered as the head of the office establishment of the DEN. While checking accounts and returns whenever the DA finds any irregularity, he should bring to the notice of DEN. If DEN differs from the views of DA he records his orders and the same should be carried out. In such cases DA should maintain a register as DA’s Internal Check Register and enter the same with full details in the register and obtain the remarks of DEN therein. This register is put up to any visiting officer for information

The DA should not however, be made responsible for any cash transaction except emergent cases not exceeding four months.
The DA should maintain cordial relationship not only with DEN but also with all other sub divisional officers and also educate the office staff and subordinates about proper maintenance of records, submission of accounts returns, preparation of budget etc

In the open line divisions also a SO ( Works) is posted under the DEN designated as Works Accountant. The functions are the same as DA. However, he is not considered as he head of divisional works branch  but will be the head of works accounts section.  


  1. For works estimated to cost each Rs 1 lakhs or Rs 3 lakhs for relaying or track renewal work in relaxation of the limit of Rs 25000/-.
  2. for stores not used up immediately
  3. suspense head – on receipt of materials  is debited with the cost of stores and is credited with issued of materials for work
  4. daily record of such material in form E 1737  materials obtained for work on receipt are entered under with quantity, issued note and reference – Receipts: issues of stores for consumption, the date, quantity, sub head charged are recorded under – Issues . Materials issued but surplus – Minus Issues
  5. materials released from the work are separately recorded as receipts with date, quantity on their utilization of the works shown as issues Materials retuned to stores transferred or otherwise deposed of is shown as minus receipts
  6. works costing  more than Rs 1 lakh to Rs 3 lakhs for relaying or track renewal works- monthly Return is sent containing only those items for which there have been any receipts or issue transactions during the month.
  7. the monthly MAS a/c returns may be followed by a complete MAS a/c return for all the items of each quarter June, September, December & March on the basis of monthly returns from sub ordinates, the Divisional Officers prepare monthly adjustments get them approved by DEN and AO for necessary adjustment
  8. periodical verification by the executive in charge for works costing  more than Rs 1 lakh to Rs 3 lakhs for relaying or track renewal a. P Way material b. other MAS which can be readily operated and distinguished from any of the description but by a different category all items verified at least once in a year.
A certificate that such verification has been carried out should together with a note as to whether or not the materials were found to be duly depreciated, be furnished on the MAS returns this is in addition to stock verification.
At the end of every financial year the AO prepares a schedule of MAS balances of works of Rs 1 lakh to Rs 3 lakhs for relaying or track renewal and review in consultation with the executive.
At the end of every month, an excess materials return should be prepared in the prescribed proforma in respect of all the completed works. 
These returns should show separately for materials obtained and material released, the numerical balance only of MAS i.e. those that have neither have been consumed on the work nor returned to stores, transferred or otherwise disposed of and the ate of completion of the work to which they relate. If the excess materials cannot be utilized in some other work they should be returned to stores.


                         D X Gnanaraj AFA/W/PER

1.   simplest of handling risks
2.   magnitude in the ROR by small change in the components of which are uncertain
3.   selct variable –whose estimated values may contain significant errors or elements of uncertainty
4.   key variables are – cost, price, project life, market share etc

1.   identify crucial variables that makes greatest impact in the NPV of the project
2.   graphical presentation – better visual appeal
3.   by confining SA to adverse changes in the variable that can be reasonably expected to occur one can obtain range of NPV that can be reasonably anticipated
4.   knowledge is helpful for making decisions
   5. Graph

Railways Risk Factors:
1.   land - delay in acquisition – litigation
2.   earth work availability of sand
3.   soil condition – geographical factors –weak/loose Eg TEN-NGC line due to weak soil
4.   alignment due to local or popular demand Eg KRCL in Madgaon line in Goa State
5.   availability of sleepers – wooden/ Pre Stressed Concrete Sleepers – snags in production- ban on wooden sleepers as environmental policy of the Govt
6.   availability of rails – change in the production pattern of the steel mills – delay in production- change in the Govt policy
7.   estimated earnings – net production of commodities short fall in projected and traffic due to climatic and natural causes – import and export potential
8.   delay in rolling stock in ordered quantity Eg Hassan – Mangalore line for transport of ore to Port of Mangalore diverted to road
9.   cost and time over runs – likely delay due to paucity of funds/allotment



E-Recon application is meant only for “Transfer Transactions” viz., outward debit / credit and inward debit / credit between Railways, Divisions and Unit Accounts Offices. “Other Than Transfer Transactions” viz., preparation of JVs on account of erroneous allocations, outturn JVs pertaining to Home Railways, JVs on RSP debits and credits, etc., shall continue to be dealt with only in AFRES.

Transfer transactions fall under two categories namely “Cash” and “Adjustment”. Cash transactions originate through CO7s wherein transfer divisional allocations were fed on account of expenditure incurred or recoveries effected on behalf of other Railways/Divisions /Unit Accounts Offices, which will subsequently be transferred to the respective units. Adjustment transactions originate through JVs whereby the debits / credits on account of works carried out in our workshops, material assistance rendered on requisition, CRRMs, etc., for other Railways/Divisions /Unit Accounts Offices raised against the respective units.

As for “Cash transactions”, Books section, at the beginning of every month, downloads both debits and credits pertaining to other Railways/Divisions /Unit Accounts Offices booked in the CO7s and uploads in the E-Recon application. The respective sections may therefore directly go to “Generate outward Transactions” appearing at the left pane under the “Outward TC” heading and generate the TDs / TCs accordingly. As for “Adjustment transactions”, the sections concerned have to enter the details of both debits and credits to be raised under the “Manual voucher entry heading” and then go to   “Generate outward Transactions heading” to generate necessary TDs / TCs.

The existing procedure as per the Code:

CHAPTER IV of the INDIAN RAILWAY ACCOUNTS CODE PART I deals with the transfer transactions as well as remittance transactions.
401. Transactions between the Railway Ministry and other ministries or States which are settled through the Central Accounts Section of the Reserve Bank are referred to in this Code as "Remittance Transactions".
The transactions between the Railway Ministry and the Pay and Accounts Officers which are settled through the issue of cheques or Government drafts are referred to as "Pay & Accounts" transactions.
All inter railway transactions are technically known as "Transfer Transactions" and are referred to as such in this code.
402. Settlement of transactions. -As a general rule all transactions between two different accounting units in the same railway or between two railways (excluding company worked railways) should be settled by book adjustment (i. e. not by actual payment or  recovery of cash).
403. In the case of transactions between two accounting units of the same railway or between two railways (excluding company worked railways) debits by unit "A" or railway "A" to unit "B" or railway "B" are set off against credits by "B" to "A" in the Central Books of the  Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer or of the Railway Board. In the case of transactions enumerated as exceptions in para 402 between the Railway Ministry and other  Ministry or a State, the net  amounts due to or from the ministry or State are debited and credited to the "Railway Fund" (see para 417 in the central books of the Reserve Bank).
405. Transfers within the Railway-Transfers Divisional- The transactions arising in the accounts of one accounting unit which are adjustable in the accounts of another should be transferred to the latter by operating on the head "Transfers, Divisional". Separate  sub-heads should be allotted to each Accounting unit. A railway having divisions A. B, C, etc. besides Stores and Workshop Divisions, should operate on the following heads :-
           (a)  Transfers, Divisional A-for Division A
           (b)  Transfers, Divisional B-for Division B
(c)  Transfers, Divisional C-for Division C
(d)  Transfers, Divisional Stores for Stores Accounts, Office.
(e)  Transfers, Divisional Workshops-for workshops Accounts Office.
(f)  Transfers, Divisional Books-for the Central Accounts office.
(g)  Transfers construction-for Construction Accounts Office.
406. Transfer Certificates- Transfers between any two accounting units within the  same railway should be effected by means of Transfer Certificates (A. 406) The unit initiating transfer should prepare the Transfer Certificates (A.406) in duplicate, send one copy duly supported by the initial accounts records or vouchers in which the details of the transactions are set forth to the unit to which the transaction pertains and retain the other copy as the office copy.

412.  Inter-Railway Transfers .-All transfer transactions between Railways (excluding Railways worked by Company or District Boards ) will be adjusted by means of Transfer Certificates. In the books of the responding Railway, the adjustment in respect of a transfer transaction will always be by per contra credit or debit, as the case may be, and not by minus debit or minus credit. With this difference, and the procedure in regard to the acceptance of Transfer Certificates indicated in sub para below, the rules laid down in paragraphs 406-411 should be followed mutates mutandis in inter-railway transfers also. The same procedure will apply in the case of transfers between a Railway and the Railway Board or units such as the Chittaranjan Locomotive Works, Integral Coach Factory, Metropolitan Transport Projects etc. Transfer Certificates for inter railway transactions should be issued or accepted only by the Central Accounts Office of the railway, inter-railway transactions originating in a subordinate accounting unit of a railway being passed on in "transfers" to the Central Accounts Office for issuing Transfer Certificates against other railways. The detailed procedure to be followed in this respect will be laid down by the Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer.

The e-Recon Procedure:

E-Recon is a web based program introduced w.e.f 01/04/2011 by Railway Board. This program has been exclusively formulated to process all the transfer transactions between Railways, Divisions and Unit Accounts Offices through on line duly dispensing with the exchange of TD/TCs by the respective Railways / Divisions at the meetings conducted for this purpose. Under this program, the TD/TCs raised by the source unit can be viewed, accepted and accounted for by the destination unit in a very short span of time.

Salient features:
1.      Generation of TD/TC on cash items is made simple by downloading the cash data from AFRES and uploading in this program.
2.      Generation of TD/TC on non-cash items is also made simple by just entering only the key information of the debit  / credit proposed to be raised.
3.      The vouchers required to be sent are scanned, converted as PDF files and attached with the respective TD/TCs.
4.      After the attachment process is over, the TD/TCs are approved by the Source Unit.
5.      Immediately after the approval, the destination units can view the TD/TC in the systems available in their unit.
6.      If the destination units confirm that the debit / credit pertains to their units, the TD/TC gets accepted and the subsequent JV prepared and approved for their accountal in General Books.
1.      Delay in accepting the TD/TCs by the destination unit is considerably avoided.
2.      Simultaneous accounting of debit and credit by both source and destination units by preparing JVs on both sides.
3.      Since reasons for rejection of an inward TD/TC are recorded and the rejection of outward TD/TC be immediately known to the Source unit, the source unit can take necessary rectification processing such as requisite information to be passed on the rejected unit or raising of TD/TC to some other correct unit.

Suggestions / Improvements:
1.      All the transfer divisional allocations used in the Indian Railways have to be made available in the system. Since the non-availability of some of the allocations viz., 00878225, 00878237, 00878251, 00878253, 00878257, 00878258, etc., leads to preparation of JVs on AFRES system.
2.      Some allocations such as 21219907, 05914 35, etc., are not accepted by this system. This also leads to preparing JVs on AFRES.
3.      Since the program follows the strict schedule dates i.e. TD cannot be prepared after the last date for generation of TD, necessary provisions may be made available to withdraw the rejected outward debit/credit and re-issue in the following month.
4.      The particulars of JV are not downloaded from the E-Recon program. As such, the details of E-Recon JVs cannot be known when the Extraction of allocation for a transfer divisional allocation is read with.

Thus the e-Recon is a boon to maintain the transfer transactions efficiently, accurately, quickly and within target dates. Further, it has reduced the unavoidable travelling of staff/ documents from one accounting unit to another involving payment of DA/TA etc. It has eliminated the oft-met problem of “voucher missing hence TC/TD not accepted”. 

            Annexure                                                                                                            Form A. 406
……………….. Railway/Office
No. ……………………..      Date…………………..
A sum of Rs………….. has *been  debited/credited to……………….. by credit/debit to …………. Division/Railway as per particulars detailed on reserve in the accounts for the months of …………… 19. The necessary vouchers, as detailed against each item in support of the *charge/credit are enclosed. Vouchers for item ………………………. cannot be sent as they contain other charges/credits and it is certified that these *charges/credits have been checked in accordance with the rules in force.
Forwarded with…………… vouchers/enclosures to…………Division/Railway for acceptance and advice.
 For Accounts Officer  …………………    
Cut here ____________________________________________________Cut here
Reference: ……………………………………………………. Division/Railway's T. C. 
No……………….. …………                      Dated………………….
Certified that a sum of Rs………. has been accepted as *debit/credit to the ………………………. Division/Railway and adjusted accordingly in the accounts for the month of………………………….. No………… ………………..     Date………………..
Forwarded to……………….. Division/Railway for information. …………………

Thursday, February 23, 2012


05/01/2011                                                        PAPER I

Time: 3 Hours                                                                              x. Marks 150
This paper contains two sections – A  & B both sections have to be answered section A carries 50 marks and section B carries 100 marks


Q I Write short notes in about 10 lines        (2 X  5=10 marks)
            a) Permanent Seat for India in UN Security council
            b) I-T boom in India
            c) Growth of infrastructure
            d) Global Warming
Q II.  “21st century is expected to be a century in which China and India will set the momentum for growth to rest of the world” What are your comments on this statement? Answer should be in around 150 words                                                                                                                      (10 Marks)
Q. III. Expand the following abbreviations ( 10 X 1) = 10 marks
            a) MACP
f) NSE
h) BRIC - Countries
k) ILO

Q IV. Make sentences with any five of the flowing and give the meaning within brackets.
(5 X 2) = 10 Marks
a)       Make a clean breast of
b)       Blow the trumpet
c)       Few and far between
d)       Splitting hairs
e)       Take the wind out of sails
f)        Bury the hatchet
g)       Apropos
h)       Burn the mid night candle

Q V 5. Fill in the blanks (5 marks)
            The absence ---------- of census data is taken advantagae of ---------various persons --------------- each state ----------boost the estimates --------------persons speaking their language.

 Q VI . Who are the authors of the following  books? Answer any five
(5 X 1) = 5 Marks
a)       My experiments with truth
b)       War and peace
c)       Das capital
d)       Treasure island
e)       Pride and prejudice
f)        Discovery of India
g)       Geetanjali

This section contains two parts  A & B 
Attempt four questions taking any two from each part
All questions carry equal marks of 25 each
(25 X 2) = 50 Marks

Q I “The present procedure of Apportionment of Earnings and Expenditure is not fair to Southern Railway with a limited lead”. Discuss
Q II Explain how statistical Compilations help in the main functions of Traffic costing cell.
Q III  (a) Write Short Notes – Answer any  two
          I.            Zero based budgeting
        II.            Action take note
      III.            Activity based costing
     IV.            Urgency certificate
 (b) What are the salient fearures of theofficial language policy of Govt. of India as per the official Lanauge Act, 1963?
  (15 Marks)
Q IV (a) What are Appropriation Accounts?
        (b) Annexure ‘J’ is the index of efficiency of the Accounts Department – discuss
  (18 + 7 )= 25 Marks
(25 X 2) = 50 Marks
Q V (a) What is the need for separate audit by ther representatives of Comptroller and auditor General of India with reference to Railway Accounts?
(b) With more effective organisation of internal audit can this be dispense with? Discuss in detail.
 (12 ½ + 12 ½) = 25 marks
Q VI What are the steps you would suggest to control the expenditure, both on establishment and non-establishment side, to improve the Railway finances which are affected badly due to implementation of 6th Pay Commission Award                                                                                                        
 (25 Marks)
Q VII (a) What does Performance Budget mean?
         (b) With particular reference to the Railway, give exam,ples from the budget classifications and discuss their importance and utility.
(10+15)=25 Marks
Q VIII (a) Write Short Notes Answer any two
                                                                                  2 X 5 ) = 10 Marks
                   i.            Reserve Bank of India Suspense
                  ii.            Raiwlay convetntion committee
                iii.            Matreial modificiation
                iv.            Wagon turn around
(b) Answer in one word
                                                                                    (15 X 1) = 15 Marks
  1.  The Objective of maintaining Suspense Heads in Railway accounting is to ensure a link between the system of ----------------- and ----------------
  2. On the expenditure side, the revenue liability of the railway for a month are adjusted  to the working expenses through suspense head -----------------
  3. Consumption of materials obtained for a specific works is  watched through --------------- account of the work
  4. To verify whether the financial return anticipated from a project at the estimate stage is actually realised or not railways conduct ------------- test
  5. Credits realised from surplus stock found in stock verification is taken as / not taken as reduction of demand
  6. Any amount required to satisfy the award of arbitrator is -------------------expenditure
  7. The mechanism used for concurrent regulation of  cash outgo against cash content of budget is known as --------------------
  8. The amount of all cheques drawn for the day is ------------t ot he head “cheques and Bills”
  9. Cheques and bills reconciliations made between -------------------and ---------------------the balance represents -------------------
  10. When an asset is repaired at comparatively high cost in preference to ti being replaced it is known as ------------
  11. When stores are purchased for general purpose, the value of the material is debited to -------------------head
  12. Interest and maintenance charges on account of assisted siding is classified as ------------\implementation of exchequer  control involves correct assessment of -------------------and -----------------portion of sanctioned annual budget
  13. The cost of replacement of ballast involving improved type of ballast is charged to ------------.



06.01.2011                                                                                                        TIME:3 Hours


1 There is an overwhelming view that the Cross Subsidy of Passenger Traffic by Freight Traffic should be given up and there should be alignment of tariff with cost. How far our Traffic Costing System can be relied upon to help taking decision in such an important area? Discuss in detail

2. (a)Explain the following methods for Financial Appraisal of a project with assumed figure
i) Pay Back Method
ii.) Internal Rate of Return
iii) Net Present Value
(3 X 4 ) = 12 Marks
(b) You are required to justify Gauge Conversion Project. What factors would you take into consideration for working out the financial implications of the proposal? 
                                                                                         (13 Marks)
Q 3. (a) What is meant by “Sensivity Analysis” in Capital Budgeting?
        (b) Examine the scope sensitivity analysis in a traffic survey report for the construction of a new railway line
                                                                                     (10 + 15)= 25 Marks
Q 4. (a) Explain the concept of Joint costs in Railway Operation
        (b) How are such costs apportioned among various activities of the railway?


ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS                                  (MAX MARKS 50)
Q 5. (a) Discuss the importance of Accounting Ratios which are employed to judge the financial performance of a company
        (b) Are these or similar ratios employed in judging the performance of Railways?
                                                                                     (15+10)= 25 Marks
Q 6.The ratios to the activities of National Traders Limited are as follows
        Debtors Velocity                3 months
        Stock Velocity                    8 months
        Creditors velocity               2 months
       Gross Profit Ratio               25 %
Gross Profit for the current year ended 31st December amounts to Rs. 4 Lakhs, closing stock of the year is Rs 10000/- above the opening stock Bills Recoverable amount to Rs 25000/- and Bills Payable to Rs 10000/- Find out (a) Sales, (b) Sundry Debtors, (c) Closing Stock and (d) Sundry Creditors

Q 7. (a) Write in detail about the applications of Break Even Analysis
        (b) Explain the difference between “Profit Centre” and “Cost Centre”
        (c) Explain the difference between “Standard Costing” and “Job Costing”
                                                              (13 + 6+ 6) = 25 Marks             
Q 8. ABC Limited Manufactures and sells four types of products under the brand name A, B, C and D . The sales mix in value comprises 33.33%, 41.67, 16.67 % and 8.33 % for products A,B,C and D respectively. The total budgeted sales at 100% are Rs 60000/-  per month
Operating Costs are
Variable cost as percent of selling price
Product A  - 60 %
Product B  - 68 %
Product C  - 80 % and
Product D  - 40 %
Calculate the Break even Point for the products on an overall basis
Q 9 (a) What do you understand by ‘Life-Cycle’ costing?
       (b) What are the important areas where it can be employed?
       (c) How is it improvement over the normal costing system?
                                                                  (9+8+8)=25 Marks
Traffic accounts, statistics and Establishment
Answer any two                                                      (2 x 25)=50 Marks
Q 10 Checks in Traffic accounts Office cannot be final and have to be supplemented by checks by TIAs. Discuss this with reference to atleast two returns/documents received in Traffic accounts Office 

Q 11 Write short notes on any  four
                                                                         (4 x 6 ¼ )=25 Marks
            a) Terminal charges
B)  Reconstruction fo delvery book of a stations destroyed in fire
C) Engine performance analysis
D) Running allowance
E) Specific fuel consumption
F) Leave Not due
g) next below rule
Q 12. How far the present method of compilation and presentation of statistical data in railways hep in effective management decision and control on Indian Railways
Q 13 (a) What are the different kinds of leave admissible under the railway rules?
         (b) What arethe limits upto which leave can be accumulated and availed of at a time?
        (c)  To what extant one can avail leave including extraordinary leave without pay?
              (10+7 ½ +7 ½) = 25 Marks
Answer any two questions
Q 14 Explain the merits and demerits of the existing Stock Verification System and give your concrete suggestions for greater efficiency
Q 15 (a) What are the constituent elements of Workshop Manufacture Suspense?
        (b) What are the objective of a Job costing as followed in a railway workshop?
            ( c ) How the above system is used to arrive at accurate costing figures
                                                                                (9+8+8)=25 Marks
Q 16 Write Short Notes – any four
                                                                              (4 X 6 ¼ )= 25 marks
a)       Risk purchase
b)       Proforma on cost
c)       Workshop general register
d)       CLW pattern of incentive
e)       Rate contract
f)        Price ledger
g)       Under charges, overcharges
Q17 (a) Examine the significance of drawing up a completion report s for works?
        (b) What are the problems in finalizing the completion reports within a reasonable period?
        ( c ) What steps should be taken to expedite the process?
                                                                                 (9+8+8)=25 Marks        