Monday, July 11, 2011


Time: 3 hours 19th February 2009 Max Marks 150
Do not write your Roll No or name anywhere in the Answer Book. Only the Roll No should be written on the top sheet in the space provided.
NOTE 1. Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks
The marks for each sub-section are indicated in the brackets
2. All questions have two sub-sections – (a) & (b)
Candidates must answer both (a) & (b) of each questions attempted, to qualify for marks. For example if Q 1 is attempted then both (a) & (b) of Q1 must be answered to get the benefit of full evaluation of 30 marks as allotted to the whole question.

Answer any five questions (15 marks)
Q 1. (a) What do you understand by inter-railway and intra-railway transactions? How are such transactions proposed, accepted, adjusted and reconciled?
(15 marks)
(b) Do you think that the preparation of two accounts current – Approximate and Actual are necessary? Explain in detail
(15 marks)
Q 2 (a) What is a “Works Programme”? What are the various steps involved in its finalisaiton
(15 marks)
(b) Discuss “Pink Book”. “Orange Book” and ‘Divisional Works Programme’

Q 3 (a) Write Short notes on any Five (15 marks each 3 marks)
i. Traffic Suspense
ii. Admitted debits and disputed debits
iii. Draft para and provisional para
iv. Material modification
v. Stock adjustment account
vi. Single tender and limited tender
vii. “global meltdown”
(15 marks)
(b) What do you understand by Inventory Control? What is ABC analysis and its advantages?
(15 marks)
Q 4 (a) What is meant by Apportionment of Earnings? How is it done in respect of Goods Earnings of Through Traffic?
(15 marks)
(b) What is “Zero Based Budget”? How can this be made applicable for Revenue Budget?
Q5 (a) distinguish between the following (any three)
(15 marks – each 5)
i. Fall Clause and Option Clauses
ii. Zonal Tender and Bulletin Tender
iii. Purchase Preference and Price Preference
iv. Development Fund I & II
(15 marks)
(b) What are the Objectives of Budgetary Controls? Discuss the various Budgetary Reviews.
Q 6 (a) What is meant by Productivity Test? Do they serve any purpose?
(15 marks)
(b) What is “Operating Ratio”? Is it a fair Index to assess a Railway’s Performance? How can we improve upon the “Operating Ratio” of Southern Railway?
(15 marks)
Q! 7 (a) What is Stock Verification? How is the Stock Sheet prepared and finalised?
(15 marks)
(b) What are the various heads under “Purchase Suspense”? Give your suggestions for maintain this “Suspense” efficiently and currently?
(15 marks)
Q 8 (a) What is meant by Exchequer Control? In addition to Budget allotments, Demand and Primary Unit –wise-Why is Exchequer Control still necessary?
(15 marks)
(b) What are the various kinds of leave an employee is entitled to? When can leave been encahsed?
(15 marks)
Q9 (a) Discuss the salient features of the Official Languages Act 1963. Suggest steps for promoting Rajbhasha in southern railway.
(15 marks)
(b) How would you inspect an Executive Office? What are the objectives? Give suggestions for improving it.
(15 marks)
Q10 (a) Elaborate on the significance of “Cheques and Bills” reconciliation How can computerisation help in this area?
(15 marks)
(b) Discuss the merits and demerits of the Incentive Scheme on Railway Workshop


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