Thursday, October 1, 2009


cHAPTER VIII of the Indian Railway Engineering Code

816. If an existing busy level crossing originally provided at Railway's cost is to be replaced by a road over or underbridge the apportionment of the cost of replacement will be as under :-
(i) The Railway will bear 50 per cent of the total cost of the over or under-bridge including approaches. The total cost would include the cost of diversion of road, sewers, cables, gas and water mains, etc., but would exclude the cost of acquisition of any land and structures thereon required for approaches or diversions.
(ii) The Road Authority will bear 50 per cent of the total cost of over or under-bridge including approaches, etc., as referred to above and the cost of acquisition of any land required for approaches and diversions and structures thereon.
(iii) The bridge will generally be of 7.2m.(24 ft.) width to suit two lanes of road traffic. In area within or close to cities and towns, two foot paths (each 1.8/6 ft. wide), may also be provided if required by the Road Authority.
(iv) If provision is required to be made in the bridge structure for crossing additional railways tracks in future the, cost of such extra length of the bridge structure will be borne by the Railway in addition to its share of the cost for the rest of the bridge and its approaches. If the provision for extra tracks is already a sanctioned scheme or included in the Works Programme the cost of extra length of bridge on that account shall also be shared on a 50 : 50 basis between the Railway and Road Authority.
(v) If additional width of roadway is required by the Road Authority over and above the limits of the width specified in item (iii), the cost of this additional width will be borne(
(a) Fully by the Road Authority for the length of the bridge required to span the existing tracks and the future tracks the provision of which has already been sanctioned or included in the Works Programme.
(b) Equally by the Road and Railway Authorities for any extra length provided for crossing additional railway tracks in future, not covered in (a) above.
The Railway will be responsible for the construction of the over or under-bridge proper across the tracks and the Road Authority for the construction of the approaches. On the actual completion of the work, a completion certificate for the work (excluding cost of land and structures thereon) giving the total cost of the work carried out by the Railway and by the Road Authority, separately, will be signed by the representatives of State Government/Road Authority and the Railway. The amount incurred by any party in excess of 50 per cent or its due share of the total cost will be reimbursed by the other party. With a view to ensure that the amount required to be spent in excess of the sanctioned share does not remain under suspense in the books of the party responsible for the execution of the works, arrangement will have to be made in with the State a Government/Road Authority for adjustment in the same year's accounts through transfer transactions of any amount spent by either party in excess of its share of the cost of the bridge.
1817. If an existing road over or under-bridge is required to be raised, lowered, extended widened or rebuilt on a new site, the cost will be borne by the authority requiring such raising, lowering, extension or relocation. Any extra cost due to additional width or length or other facilities required by any authority shall be borne by that authority. Where an existing bridge constructed originally at the cost of the Railway has reached a stage where its regirdering or rebuilding is justified on age or condition basis and the Road Authority desire to have the same regirdered or rebuilt to improve standards, the Railway should agree to bear a portion of the cost of the improved bridge to the extent of the expenditure necessary to replace or rebuilt the existing bridge to the original standards at present day rates.
1818. The maintenance and lighting of the roadway of the bridge and its approaches after its opening to public traffic is a charge against the Road Authority, while the maintenance of the bridge structure generally (excluding the roadway) is a charge against the Railway. Where, however, the cost of the bridge structure is shared by the Railway and State Government/Road Authority, the maintenance charges shall be borne by the parties in proportion to their share of the cost. In case the Road Authority concerned is agreeable, the capitalised value of the maintenance charges may be recovered, calculated on the basis of the average rate of interest applicable to Commercial Departments for that particular year.
Before undertaking construction of any over/under-bridges, the cost of which is to be entirely or partially borne by the Road Authority, they should be required to execute an agreement with the Railway which should inter-alia clearly spell out their liability to bear initial, recurring/maintenance and other costs.
1819. (a) If the construction of a new level crossing or an improvement or alterations in an existing one, whether necessitated by local conditions or any other cause, is asked for by a State Government or local authority, the capital cost of the works asked for will be borne by such Government or authority, except in cases where the liability is that of a Railway under the Railway Act. In regard to the incidence of maintenance costs in such cases no hard and fast rules can be laid down but ordinary maintenance costs should be borne by the party requiring the facility, and agreement to this effect should be reached before the work is commenced. In a case where the party asking for the facility agrees to pay only the initial cost but declines to bear maintenance, the case should be referred to, the Railway Board for orders before any commitment to provide the work is entered into.
(b) If a level crossing provided initially and maintained at the cost of the Railway in compliance with the statutory obligation under the Indian Railways Act is required to be manned (if it is unmanned) or upgraded/provided with additional gatekeepers due to subsequent increase in both road and rail traffic, the initial cost of such manning, additional manning or upgradation is to be borne by the State Government/Road Authority concerned, and the recurring and maintenance cost by the Railway. If such a level crossing is required, to be shifted, the capital cost involved in the shifting of the level crossing, is to be shared equally between 'the State Government/Road Authority and the Railway.
If, however, such a need arises due to subsequent improvement in the standard of the road or change in the nature and volume of the road traffic only, the cost (both initial as well as recurring and maintenance), has to be borne fully by the State Government/Road Authority concerned.. For level crossings provided originally at the cost of State Government/Road Authority the recurring cost on account of its subsequent manning/additional manning or upgradation has also to be borne by the State Government/Road Authority.
(c) If a 'D' class cattle crossing (which is meant for the use of cattle and pedestrians only), is required to be converted into a regular level crossing to suit the requirements of the vehicular traffic, the cost involved (i.e. both initial as well as recurring and maintenance) has to be borne by the State Government/Road Authority concerned.

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