Name of work ...............
Authority ................…….
Capital........... .Rs. case……………Rs…………. Budget allotment for the year
Depreciation Fund.........Rs. Stores...... Rs. Original Estimate No…………..
Development Fund .......... Rs. Total .....Rs. Revised Estimate No....
Accident Compensation
Passenger Amenities Fund ................... ......
Open Line Works Revenue ................
Revenue ................. Rs.
Date of Commencement ..............
Date of Completion ..............
1474. This register should show the amount of estimate sanctioned, the budget allotment and details of expenditure on each work by heads of accounts and in addition under sub-heads of estimates in case of track renewal works estimated to cost Rs. 3 lakhs and over and Rs. 1 lakh and over In the case of other works. In this register sub-heads of estimate estimated to cost less than Rs. 10,000 need not be separately detailed, hut may be grouped together as may be found 'the convenient. The Register may be arranged by detailed heads of classification (for works falling under the demand relating to creation and replacement of assets) separate folios being set apart for each work. At the close of every month the Register of Works should be totalled up and the monthly, yearly and 'up-to-date' totals for each work struck. The Register of Works should be preserved for a period of 10 years.
1475. In posting the Register of Works in the case of works, the accounts of which are kept by sub-heads, the last column relating to each work will always show the 'total charges', the last column but one will show value of materials received in advance of payment 'to contractors', the last column but two will show the value of the 'materials-at-site' and the last column but three will Show ‘advance payment for supply of materials'. In the Ease of works, the accounts of which are not kept by sub-heads (form E. 1479), the value of 'Materials-at-site' need not be separately shown but the value of materials received in advance of payment to contractor and advance payment for supply of materials, if any should be shown in all cases.
1476. Value of materials received in advance of payment to contractors.--When the materials are received before payments have been made, such transactions should be credited to a separate suspense head "Value of materials received in advance of payment to contractors" in the Register of Works under the head of account that will record a major part of the cost of work, the credit under the suspense head should be cleared as anti when payment is made.
A Subsidiary Register for all purchase orders for such items should be maintained work wise by the Accounts Office and entries on credit side should be made under the initials of sub-head/Section Officer (Accounts) from the Receipt Note Part III received duly evaluated from Executive Officers concerned in terms of para 739-S. Receipt Notes should simultaneously be posted in Works Registers by debit to 'materials-at-site account/final head' and contra credit to 'value of materials received in advance of payment to contractors' referred to above. All payments chargeable to this head should be made after being posted on the debit side in the subsidiary register under the initials of the Controlling Officer. The balances in the subsidiary register should be reconciled monthly with those in the Works Registers.
Thus, for stares purchased for specific works the transactions will not find a place in the Stores budget under this procedure. Arrangements should, however, be made to ensure that the total figures of purchases during a year for specific works which do not pass through Stores Account are available with the Railways for statistical purposes etc.
1476. Value of materials received in advance of payment to contractors.--When the materials are received before payments have been made, such transactions should be credited to a separate suspense head "Value of materials received in advance of payment to contractors" in the Register of Works under the head of account that will record a major part of the cost of work, the credit under the suspense head should be cleared as anti when payment is made.
A Subsidiary Register for all purchase orders for such items should be maintained work wise by the Accounts Office and entries on credit side should be made under the initials of sub-head/Section Officer (Accounts) from the Receipt Note Part III received duly evaluated from Executive Officers concerned in terms of para 739-S. Receipt Notes should simultaneously be posted in Works Registers by debit to 'materials-at-site account/final head' and contra credit to 'value of materials received in advance of payment to contractors' referred to above. All payments chargeable to this head should be made after being posted on the debit side in the subsidiary register under the initials of the Controlling Officer. The balances in the subsidiary register should be reconciled monthly with those in the Works Registers.
Thus, for stares purchased for specific works the transactions will not find a place in the Stores budget under this procedure. Arrangements should, however, be made to ensure that the total figures of purchases during a year for specific works which do not pass through Stores Account are available with the Railways for statistical purposes etc.
1517. Use of Works Register.--The Works Register (refer to para 1472) maintained in each division serve as an important management tool in providing information which enables a comparison of the expenditure incurred against a work with the Divisions made in the estimate. The executive officer should examine the information recorded in the Works Registers monthly or at more frequent intervals and watch the progress of expenditure on each work so that any tendency towards excess over sanctioned estimate may be investigated and curbed or fresh administrative and technical sanction obtained in time to cover the anticipated excess.
1518. Progress Report-cum-Financial Review.--For effective financial control of works a system which will monitor the relation between achievement and expenditure is essential. Financial Reviews assist in such a monitoring process and also serves as a management reporting system linking the progress of work with the expenditure incurred. Financial Review provides a means of assessing probable variations from sanctioned estimate at the earliest possible date.
1519. Preparation of Progress Report-cum-financial Review.--Financial Reviews are to be prepared half yearly in the proforma given below (Form E-1519) and should include (a) new construction conversions, doublings. (b) open line works costing Rs. 50 lakhs (gross) and over, and (c) track renewal works costing Rs. 50 lakhs (gross) and over.
1517. Use of Works Register.--The Works Register (refer to para 1472) maintained in each division serve as an important management tool in providing information which enables a comparison of the expenditure incurred against a work with the Divisions made in the estimate. The executive officer should examine the information recorded in the Works Registers monthly or at more frequent intervals and watch the progress of expenditure on each work so that any tendency towards excess over sanctioned estimate may be investigated and curbed or fresh administrative and technical sanction obtained in time to cover the anticipated excess.
1518. Progress Report-cum-Financial Review.--For effective financial control of works a system which will monitor the relation between achievement and expenditure is essential. Financial Reviews assist in such a monitoring process and also serves as a management reporting system linking the progress of work with the expenditure incurred. Financial Review provides a means of assessing probable variations from sanctioned estimate at the earliest possible date.
1519. Preparation of Progress Report-cum-financial Review.--Financial Reviews are to be prepared half yearly in the proforma given below (Form E-1519) and should include (a) new construction conversions, doublings. (b) open line works costing Rs. 50 lakhs (gross) and over, and (c) track renewal works costing Rs. 50 lakhs (gross) and over.
In the cases of work of small value instead of preparing the CR completion statement the form E1817 is prepared on completion of the work showing the following details
reference to estimate
amount if sanctioned estimate
actual expenditure as finally booked
brief explanation for the excess and savings
The CS on receipt in AO is verified in the same manner as any CR and certified. These statements are then submitted to the competent authority for information. No CR or CS is necessary in respect of a work for which no detailed estimate is required to be prepared.
In the case of projects there is likelihood of delay in regard to the final adjustment of charges on account of land acquisition owing to disputes or litigation beyond the control of the Railways. In such cases therefore the CR may be drawn in two parts separately of land and other than land.
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Tuesday, September 8, 2009
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